SCENIC Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events

Alfred-Wegener - via Umantis - Bremerhaven - 21-09-2021 zur Vakanz  

, seven Helmholtz Centres are
collaborating to gather deep insights into the complex relationships between the processes
that take place on our planet. We aim to develop solutions and strategies to help humankind
adapt to changing environmental conditions, to minimize global threats like climate change,
and to understand the potential impact of these risks – not only for the environment but also
for the economy and society.
We are inviting applications to three Postdoc and five PhD positions within the crossinstitutional project


Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and

Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World
SCENIC carries the storyline approach from global to regional and local scales, and from
climate to impact models, with a focus on Europe. This Innovation Pool project is an important
contribution to the new research program “Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future”. Within

SCENIC, the following 3-year positions, starting January 1st 2022, are open:
(Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research) in Global coupled climate modelling of extreme events following the storyline approach with atmospheric nudging. Contact: Dr. Helge Goessling (

). Application deadline: October 3rd.
(Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research) in Sensitivity simulations of AMOC slowdown. Contact: Dr. Monica Ionita-Scholz (

). Application deadline: October 3rd.
(Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel). High-resolution coupled modelling and storyline simulations focusing on Greenland melting. Contact: Prof. Dr. Joakim Kjellsson (

) or Dr. Torge Martin (
). Application deadline: October 29th.
(Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU), Campus Alpin, Garmisch-Partenkirchen) in Modelling the impact of extreme climate events on agricultural ecosystems in Europe. Contact: Dr. Clemens Scheer (

). Application deadline: October 8th.
(Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU), Campus Alpin, Garmisch-Partenkirchen) in Regional Climate Model Downscaling with dynamic, statistical and AI approaches. Contact: Dr. Benjamin Fersch (

). Application deadline: October 8th.

PhD position at KIT/IMK-TRO

(Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research – Troposphere Research (IMK-TRO), Karlsruhe) in Modelling the dynamics and impacts of heat and cold waves in a warming climate with ICON-Seamless. Contact: Prof. Dr. Joaquim Pinto (

), Prof. Dr. Peter Braesicke (
). Advert will be posted
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH). Land surface modelling for analysing impact of future extreme events on ecosystems. Contact: Prof. Dr. Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen (

). Application deadline: October 18th.

PhD position at FZJ/IEK7

(Institute of Energy and Climate Research: Stratosphere, Jülich) in Modelling changing tropospheric ozone through transport from the stratosphere to the troposphere in a changing climate. Contact: Dr. Rolf Müller (

). Application deadline: October 15th. Advert will be posted
Details about the open positions, application requirements and the online application form can be found following the individual links above. Questions related to specific positions can be directed to the respective contact persons. More general questions can be directed to Dr. Helge Goessling (

The different Helmholtz Centres host postgraduate and postdoc programs that offer comprehensive training programs, access to career development tools, and other support measures. The place of employment is in Germany, depending on the respective Helmholtz Centre and position. Applications must be submitted online, as described in the individual job advertisements, and received by the individual application deadlines listed above. Candidates interested in more than one of the advertised positions are invited to submit one application for each of the relevant positions.


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