Praktikum/Abschlussarbeit in Frankfurt am Main
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We are looking for you to support DB Netz AG as an intern starting from october 2019 in Frankfurt am Main, Chemnitz, Dresden and Annaberg-Buchholz.Your tasks:
- Contributing to the modelling work (sysml-based) in the technical work packages of Shift2Rail Innovation Programme “Advanced traffic management and control systems" together with domain experts of DB Netz
- Frequent communication in technical and method issues with Shift2Rail and EULYNX members in close cooperation with the domain experts of DB Netz with a good command of English and a truely multicultural approach
- Supporting the EULYNX and Shift2Rail Innovation Programme "Advanced traffic management and control systems" exploitation and dissemination activities and followup of EULYNX and Shift2Rail meetings and conventions
- Supporting the project management of Shift2Rail DB representation in the Innovation Programme "Advanced traffic management and control systems" in engineering matters and also IT-support towards the DB-internal service providers
Your profile:
- Field of study IT and/or enginieering
- Basic skills in model based systems engineering (e. g. work experience or basic knowledge with sysml based tools like PTC)
- Structured approach in problem analysis, task description, elaboration and documentation
- Fluent english in writing and talking
- Active communication, focussing on efficiency by considering at the same time the cultural diversity in the EULYNX and Shift2Rail community
- Openess to various cultures of member railways and European stakeholders
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Frankfurt am Main
Reparatur / Instandhaltung / Montage, Projektmanagement
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