Doctoral Researcher
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) invites applications for the following position.
Doctoral Researcher (m/f/d) on the project
"Microbial and faunal biodiversity in urban groundwater"
Starting date: as early as possible, limited to 3 years, 65 percent of a full-time employment, salary will be up
to Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L if the personal requirements and tasks are fulfilled, work place will be located at
MLU Halle.
Research topic: Investigation of thermal, chemical and geological factors controlling biodiversity in the
aquifers of Halle (Saale)
The project is funded by the Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt (MLU-BioDivFund). The programme seeks to expand
biodiversity research to new interdisciplinary research fields, which will be done in close cooperation with the
German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig as well as with the Friedrich Schiller
University Jena (FSU).
This project introduces the subterranean regime of the city of Halle (Saale) as benchmark to explore spatial and
temporal trends of subsurface biodiversity on an urban scale. Groundwater samples from repeated field meas-
urement campaigns will be analyzed with respect to thermal, hydrochemical, faunal and microbiological charac-
teristics and trends. Based on laboratory and statistical analysis, we want to identify the key factors that shape
urban groundwater biodiversity patterns. The interdisciplinary project is supervised by Prof. Peter Bayer,, in cooperation with Dr. Martina Herrmann and Prof. Kirsten Küsel (FSU Jena), as
well as Prof. Christian Griebler (University of Vienna).
The MLU-BioDivFund researchers will be integrated in a stimulating network of excellence. They will become
enrolled in yDiv, the Graduate school of iDiv, which involves an international qualification programme, an inter-
disciplinary PhD advisory committee (PAC) and unique offers to meet, study and discuss with figureheads in
biodiversity research.
- Task 1: to plan and carry out repeated groundwater sampling campaigns in an urban environment
- Task 2: to analyze bacterial and eukaryotic communities by amplicon sequencing
- Task 3: to identify groundwater fauna by morphological criteria
- Task 4: to assess metabolic capacities and trophic interaction networks of the groundwater microbiota and
The doctoral researcher will elaborate the research tasks under joint supervision of hydrogeological and bio-
logical experts. The work will be carried out mainly in Halle, with research stays of several months at FSU Jena
as well as visits at the University of Vienna. It will be based on a well-planned set of complementary activities
combining field and laboratory work, computer-based analysis and interpretation. The participating research
External Job Announcement
Reg.-Nr. 5-5857/22-D
veröffentlicht am 09.06.2022 Seite 2 / 2
groups offer ideal working conditions with modern equipment and continuous support by technicians and stu-
dent assistants. The new findings will be published together in international journals, and shared with the com-
munity by presentations on international conferences.
Requirements: • Master or equivalent degree in a project-related field (e.g. hydrogeology, microbiology, biogeosciences,
ecology, environmental sciences)
- Very good ecological knowledge and great interest with regard to groundwater biodiversity research
- Good quantitative and computer-based statistical skills are essential
- Experience with molecular methods to investigate microbial communities in environmental samples would
- Experience with the analysis of amplicon sequencing data to characterize microbial communities is desirable
- Fluent in English communication in writing and speaking. Knowledge of German is an advantage
- Flexible and well organized, hands-on mentality
- Field work experience would be advantageous
- Driver’s license
All applications should include:
- Cover letter in English describing motivation for the project, research interests and relevant experience
- complete curriculum vitae including names and contact details of at least two scientific references
- digital copy of MA/BA/Diploma certificates
- all document should be submitted as one single pdf file.
with equivalent qualifications. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants with a degree that was
not obtained at a German university must submit a certificate assessment for foreign university qualifications
(Statement of Comparability for Foreign Higher Education Qualifications) from the Central Office for Foreign
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