Extern 4 4759 22 D Engl
veröffentlicht am 09.05.2022 Seite 1 / 2
The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, in cooperation with the German Centre for Integrative Biodiver-
sity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, offers the following position in Leipzig, starting on 1 October 2022 or
at the earliest opportunity and limited to 30 September 2024:
Post-doctoral Researcher – Rewilding for nature and society (m/f/d) as full-time employment (100%).
The salary will be up to Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L, if the personal requirements and tasks are fulfilled. The workplace
will be in Leipzig in the research group of Dr Néstor Fernández.
The project:
The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig is a National Research Cen- tre funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Its central mission is to promote theory-driven synthe- sis and data-driven theory in integrative biodiversity research. It is located in the city of Leipzig and it is a central institution of the Leipzig University, jointly hosted by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). More information about iDiv: www.idiv.de. This position is affiliated with the Biodiversity Conservation Group of Prof Henrique Pereira at iDiv in collabo- ration with the Department of Ecological Modeling at UFZ. The Biodiversity Conservation group aims to under- stand the patterns and processes of global biodiversity change, with the goal of informing environmental policy and management of ecosystems. For more information, please visit our lab website: www.idiv.de/re- This position is associated to the iDiv Flexpool Project: “A spatial framework to assess cultural and intrinsic values of Nature for conservation planning and scenarios”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The successful applicant will apply ecological and social theories and methods for predicting social- ecological conditions that can sustain large-scale biodiversity restoration through applying rewilding principles. The research is focused on forest ecosystems in Europe. The work plan includes the development of spatial biodiversity indicators associated with the ecological integrity of forests; social analyses of people’s selection of areas for recreation in nature; and simulations of management actions with potential to enhance intrinsic and cultural values of nature. The successful candidate will build on previous research at iDiv and UFZ on re- wilding, the integration of social theories of human behaviour in natural resource management, and the de- velopment of nature conservation scenarios.
- Statistical analysis of social-geographical data to develop empirical models and predictions of the human selection behavior regarding the recreational use of forests under various socioecological settings. Develop social surveys of people’s recreational visits to forests.
- Develop a spatially-explicit wildness indicator for describing the ecological status of forests in Europe, building on previous work of the research team (e.g., Torres et al. 2018: Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. B)
Reg.-Nr. 4-4759/22-D
veröffentlicht am 09.05.2022 Seite 2 / 2
- Develop a model-based simulation framework for assessing large-scale management actions with poten- tial to increase the cultural and biodiversity value of forest landscapes.
- Lead the scientific publication of the project results and presentations in international conferences, work- shops, etc.
- Participate actively in synergistic activities of the two research groups hosting the project, including lab meetings, research platforms, and collaborations with related projects.
- Scientific University degree (Diploma/ M.Sc.) in biology, environmental sciences, or a related field.
- A PhD degree in ecology, conservation biology, and/or social-environmental sciences and a strong back- ground in any of these disciplines.
- Demonstrated experience in the analysis of social-geographical data such as survey data from choice ex- periments and other questionnaires.
- Strong interest in tackling biodiversity conservation problems, including the integration of ecological and social knowledge in conservation planning.
- Research skills in ecological statistics and/or ecological modeling.
- Interest in the operationalization of social theories of human behavior.
- Fluency in English and excellent communication skills.
search project please contact Dr Néstor Fernández (nestor.fernandez@idiv.de).
Please submit your full application dossier only in English with registration number 4-4759/22-D until 9 June 2022. Applications should be submitted via our iDiv application portal at https://apply.idiv.de. Applications
should include motivation letter tailored to the research project, curriculum vitae, a digital copy of Master’s degree/Diploma as well as PhD, publication record and recommendation letters from two scientific references. Application portfolios will not be returned, application costs will not be reimbursed. iDiv is committed to establishing and maintaining a diverse and inclusive community that collectively supports and implements our mission to do great science. We will welcome, recruit, develop, and advance talented staff from diverse genders and backgrounds.
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