Design Consultant
Making an impact that matters. Unser Anspruch ist, jeden Tag das zu tun, was wirklich zählt. Finde jetzt den perfekten Job bei Deloitte.
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Design Consultant (m/w/d)Making an impact that matters. Our ambition is to do things that count every day. Our wide range of business activities – from Audit & Assurance, Risk Advisory to Tax & Legal to Financial Advisory and Consulting – is a unique support for our customers. We set new standards, provide innovative approaches and facilitate sustainable growth. We support our highly qualified and talented employees, so that they achieve more with us.
What we are looking for
is a global design consultancy. As part of Deloitte Consulting and the Deloitte Garage team we develop strategic and innovative products, services, user experiences and entire new business models people really want.Doblin is currently looking for a skilled and experienced Design Consultant to join our growing team in Hamburg, Germany. We are interested in hearing from people with hands-on experience in Human-Centered Design and prototyping methods – ideally trained in ethnographic user research and with a wide interest in different businesses.
As a Design Consultant you will be an active member of multidisciplinary project teams working across industries at the forefront of innovation. Your role will include defining and visualising strategic opportunities based on user insights to develop digital and analogue solutions tailored around immediate and latent user needs..
About your role
- Engaging client stakeholders and internal teams through the process of exploring new business opportunities
- Supporting our researchers in designing, planning and executing user research
- Interpreting and communicating research insights, findings and their implications for new offerings
- Defining the visual direction of new offerings and businesses based on research insights
- Defining prototyping requirements and designing visual prototypes
- Representing the design discipline and its value to non-designers internally and at client organizations
What you should bring
- A passion and curiosity for learning about the world, human behavior, and the motivations that lie beneath the surface to create solutions that fit into peoples’ lives
- A practiced ability to transform research observations into critical insights and actionable recommendations
- Interest in collaborating and working on multidisciplinary teams with designers and non-designers
- Comfort with ambiguity and experimentation, and the ability to quickly dive into a new domain or process
- Strong planning, organisation and documentation skills
Basic requirements
- Graduate degree in design, design strategy, human-centered design or equivalent experience
- 3-5 years of work experience in a relevant field, including consulting or entrepreneurial environments in which new concepts, products or businesses were explored
- Technical skills in tools like Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, Invision, Power Point and others
- A passion for and expertise in the innovation process and the role that both strategic and formal design can play in the process
- Compelling written and spoken communication in German and English
- Interest in travel at least 50%
Are you interested?
Please hand in your cover letter, creative portfolio and CV (in German or English) using the Deloitte application platform along with your response to the following question:If you had unlimited time and resources to research something interesting happening in the world, what would you like to study, and how would you go about it?
(150 words)
We are looking forward to meeting you!
The inclusion of people with disabilities is our mutual understanding. We very much appreciate your application. Due to our German data protection law, please note that we can only accept online applications via our online recruitment system.
Our FAQs will help you with questions concerning applications at Deloitte. Additionally, our application tips will give you specific advice on how to apply successfully via our online portal:
What impact will you make?
Service Area:
The Garage
Hamburg, DE
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Job ID:
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Baugewerbe, IT / Software-Entwicklung / Programmierung
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