PhD in Sub-THz spectroscopy of quantum materials
University of Cologne
The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-intensive universities in Germany, offering a wide range of subjects. With its six faculties and its interfaculty centres, it offers a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines and internationally outstanding profile areas, supported by the administration with its services.
The collaborative research center “Control and dynamics of quantum materials” (CRC 1238) brings together a team of scientists from exper- imental and theoretical physics. Our vision is to discover, understand, and control novel collective phenomena and new functionalities in quantum materials arising from the interplay of spin-orbit-coupling, correlations, and topology. More information can be found here: The open PhD position (Prof. Hemberger group, CRC project B02) is concerned with solid-state spectroscopy in the frequency range from 1Hz to 500GHz at low temperatures and in high magnetic fields
» Conduct and refine the broadband spectroscopic setup (frequen- cy response analyzers up to 10 MHz, network analyzers up to 20 GHz) and its magneto-cryogenic environment
» Advance the fiber based time-domain spectrometer (5 to 500 GHz)
» Investigate the electrodynamic properties and dynamical beha- vior of quantum materials and control the order-parameter dyna- mics via external fields
» Master‘s degree in physics or a related discipline » Basic knowledge of magnetic, thermodynamic, and transport
properties of condensed matter » Background in experimental solid state spectroscopy and in
low-temperature measurements » Good team working, English language skills, and presentation
skills are essential, as well as high-motivation to collaborate within an interdisciplinary research framework
» a competitive research project » a diverse and fair working environment » support in reconciling work and family life » flexible working time models » extensive advanced training opportunities » occupational health management offers » local transport ticket at a discount for UoC employees
The position is available for two years as soon as possible, with the option of extension for another year, on a part time basis (50% first year, 75% second year). If the necessary prerequisites required by tariff regulations as well as the sought after personal qualifications are met, the salary will correspond to the pay grade 13 as specified in the States’ Tariff Agreement (TVL).
The University of Cologne is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Women are especially encouraged to apply and will be con- sidered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from people with disabilities / special needs or of equal status.
Please send your application with proof of the sought-after qualifica- tions in one pdf-file online with the reference number Wiss2205-x25 to: The application deadline is 15.07.2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. J. Hemberger (
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