Event-Driver on 450 basis / Friday - Sunday in Mainz

YoungCapital - 13-07-2019 zur Vakanz  

We're searching for drivers for our events in Germany and Europe to bring the finest selection of vintage treasures to our pop-up events and back home. 

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
20 - 40 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 9.19€ und 10.00€ pro Stunde

Was du machen wirst:

We are recruiting drivers to move our Vintage treasures all around Germany and Europe to supply our second-hand clothes pop-up events.
The countries in which the 'Vintage Kilo Sale Events' are held are Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, Bulgaria;
the main events of the next months will be held in Berlin, Munich, Copenhagen and Vienna.
As you can imagine, you are in charge of driving the van towards the different destinations every weekend, mainly from Friday to Sunday, even if sometimes we are gonna need you from Thursday evening.

At the moment the company organizes 3 events every weekend, with an average attendance of at least 1,000 participants each. To "feed" this amount of people, we must drive to every destination with at least 2 vans full of clothes.

Every extra-expense, as meals and accommodation, are provided and covered by the company.
Moreover, we always need help during the running of the events. Because of that, depending on your availability, you could also join the helpers team and work during the event for €9.19 an hour.

We expect you to have a driving license B and the will to travel

What You Will Find Here

  • €10 per hour
  • Flexible working times
  • A young international successful team
  • Great vans to drive

Was wir bieten:

  • 10€ per hour for driving
  • 9,19€ per hour for working on the event
  • Hotel / accommodation, Food & travel costs provided by us
  • working with young and motivated people
  • working with germanys biggest vintage seller
  • travel through Germany and Europe
  • YOU decide where you want to go

Was wir erwarten:

  • Kein Abschluss erforderlich
  • Driving license B
  • Will to travel on weekends
  • experience in driving Vans to 3.5 tons


Are you interested in working with us? Let's connect!

Extra Informationen

Abitur, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
20 - 40
Teilzeitjob, Nebenjob/Wochenendjob
Zwischen 9.19€ und 10.00€ pro Stunde
Verantwortlich für
Driving / Helping
Logistik Jobs, Events / Messe / Promotion / Hostess
Führerschein erforderlich?
Auto erforderlich?
Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
Englisch, Deutsch
Logistik Jobs
Promotion Jobs
Logistik Mitarbeiter Jobs
| Teilzeitjob | Nebenjob/Wochenendjob | Abitur | Fachabitur | Hauptschule | Realschule | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

20 - 40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 9.19€ und 10.00€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität

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