Postdoctoral - Sediment Geochemistry

Earthworks - Bremen - 05-03-2019 zur Vakanz  

Jobs in Oceanography Biogeochemistry Marine Science : Earthworks : Postdoctoral Position - Sediment Geochemistry - Bremen, Germany - University of Bremen

Postdoctoral Position - Sediment Geochemistry
University of Bremen

Oil & Gas

MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, Universit舩 Bremen, Germany

Postdoctoral Position

At the MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (University of Bremen) a full time postdoctoral position for three years is advertised by the working group Sediment Geochemistry (

). Subject to the allocation of funds and vacancies, the contract would start on 1st of January 2019.
The position is endowed with a payment according to tariff 13 TV-L.
The contract will be based on the rules of scientific qualification in § 2 par. 1 WissZeitVG (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz). Accordingly, only those applicants are considered who still have qualification periods according to § 2 par. 1 WissZeitVG. Upon request, details can be explained to foreign applicants.

The position is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the project "Variations in Upwelling Intensity and Sedimentation Regime in the Benguela Upwelling System (BUS) during the Holocene and Late Pleistocene" (03F0814A) within the collaborative research project EVAR. The aim of the project is to investigate changes in the concentration of redox-sensitive elements in sediment archives for the reconstruction of fluctuations in geochemical environment conditions (e.g. oxygen availability) in the BUS.

The tasks of the job holder include the following activities:
  • Participation in at least 2 multi-week ship expeditions to the working area off Namibia
  • Cooperation in the preparation of the expedition reports
  • Independent execution of geochemical analyzes (especially total digestion and ICP / ICP-MS measurements)
  • Evaluation of the data with regard to the goals of the joint project
  • Active cooperation with the project partners at GEOMAR (Kiel, Germany) and at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW; Warnemunde, Germany)
  • Participation in project workshops
  • Preparation of intermediate and final project reports
  • Preparation of scientific manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed, international journals
An indispensable prerequisite is a master's degree in natural science and a successfully completed doctorate with a geochemical focus. Experience in the three areas of marine geosciences in general, geochemical modeling of early diagenetic processes and former participation in ship expeditions would be beneficial, but not essential.

Necessary for the performance of the mentioned tasks are:
  • Physical conditions for participation in ship expeditions and for trips to or stays in southern Africa
  • Experience in geochemical analysis of sediments and aqueous solutions
  • Very good command of English in speech and writing
  • The ability to work in a team
The university aims to increase the proportion of women in the field of science and therefore urges women to apply. Severely handicapped applicants are given priority with essentially the same professional and personal suitability. Applications from people with a migration background are also welcome.

The MARUM offers a team-oriented, attractive and internationally highly regarded research environment with excellent, diverse possibilities for scientific further qualification.

Your application with the usual documents (credentials, CV, motivation letter) quoting the reference number

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