Start a Lieferando driver (m/f/d) in Germany

StudentJob - 13-06-2023 zur Vakanz  

With a Lieferando driver job (m/f/d), you are particularly flexible and can easily earn extra money. Find out more about the tasks and earnings.
30 - 40 Stunden pro Woche

Was du machen wirst:

Are you looking for an exciting career opportunity? Then you've come to the right place with a Lieferando driver job (m/f/d). In this position, you will be responsible for delivering food to customers.

But what does a typical working day in a Lieferando driver job (m/f/d) look like? We'll tell you: You start your day by getting an overview of the incoming customer orders. Then you plan your delivery route and head straight to the restaurants. There you pick up the customers' favourite dishes and pack them safely on your vehicle. Now you make your way to the recipients and deliver the food to their doorstep. If required, you take care of cash transactions. And then it's straight on to the next delivery!

That sounds pretty interesting, doesn't it? But joining Lieferando with a driver's job (m/f/d) brings even more advantages. The flexible working models allow you to schedule your shifts to fit your life circumstances. This way, you can easily balance work and family or friends. And a Lieferando driver job (m/f/d) also pays well. In addition, there are generous tips from satisfied customers. That's how you earn the extra money you need in just a few weeks.

To qualify for a Lieferando driver job (m/f/d), you don't need any specific previous experience. The only important thing is that you are at least 18 years old and enjoy working with people. A good level of physical fitness will help you to cope well with the daily work routine.

Sounds good? Look at the image below to see what the next steps are:


Note that you are applying for an applicant pool for Lieferando driver jobs (m/f/d). This job advertisement is always online, but a suitable job is not always immediately available. With your application, you show us that you are interested in Lieferando driver jobs (m/f/d). We will inform you as soon as a suitable position near you becomes available.

Was wir bieten:

  • Flexible working models that allow you to achieve a good work-life balance
  • A secure job in a well-known company in the food industry
  • A variety of trainings for your personal and professional development
  • A strong team that stands behind you
  • Attractive staff discounts that save you money on your own food orders

Was wir erwarten:

  • Kein Abschluss erforderlich
  • Minimum age of 18 years
  • Basic German skills
  • High motivation and a structured way of working


Alternatively, you can click through our
Lieferando jobs
to get started straight away.

Extra Informationen

Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität
Berlin, München, Köln, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Bonn
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
30 - 40
Karrierestarter, Vollzeitstelle (mit Erfahrung), Vollzeitstelle
Verantwortlich für
Collect food from restaurants, deliver orders to customers
Veröffentlicht am
Transport / Logistik / Fahrer / Kurier
Führerschein erforderlich?
Auto erforderlich?
Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
Berlin | München | Köln | Düsseldorf | Dortmund | Duisburg | Essen | Bonn |
Fahrer Stellenangebote
Kurier Stellenangebote
| Karrierestarter | Vollzeitstelle (mit Erfahrung) | Vollzeitstelle | Abitur | Andere | Fachabitur | Hauptschule | Realschule | Hochschule/Universität

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Auf einen Blick

Berlin, München, Köln, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen, Bonn
30 - 40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität

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