Working student as scan operator (m/w/d) in Ludwigsfelde

YoungCapital - 11-05-2022 zur Vakanz  

Dive into the world of cultural heritage and help preserving it for the future. Start now as a scan operator (m/f/d) in Ludwigsfelde, Berlin.
Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
16 - 20 Stunden pro Woche
11.15€ pro Stunde

What are you going to do:

You are passionate about history, cultural heritage and books? You are accurate, attentive to detail and have a high degree of manual dexterity? T
housands of historical documents are waiting to be prepared and digitized by you. YoungCapital is seeking hardworking and reliable individuals to work for a successful specialist for "Rapid Capture Digitalization" in Ludwigsfelde that offers growth and progression opportunities.

Get started now as a scan operator (m/f/d) in Ludwigsfelde near Berlin!

Your core tasks as a scan operator (m/f/d) in Ludwigsfelde will be:
Manual preparation of the collection: applying barcodes, sorting material, and removing cords or staples from collection material with the goal of ensuring efficient digitization

Ensuring safe handling and storage of specimens throughout the digitization workflow
Carefully placing collection objects on the digitization system and ensuring that digital images are captured in the best possible way
Operating a digitization system and image processing software
Performing continuous quality checks of digital image files during digitization
Ensuring that daily production goals are met

What we offer:

  • 11,15€ per hour plus a travel expanse contribution
  • Contact with unique historical documents
  • Diversified tasks, rotating between the preparation and scanning process
  • A job in an international team
  • Working time in the late shift from 14:00-22:00
  • Free water and coffee during break time

What we ask:

  • Enrolled in a state-recognized university
  • Patient, focused, responsible, accurate, attentive to detail and a high degree of manual dexterity.
  • Ability to navigate hardware and software in order to assess quality and identify potential issues or possibilities for improvement.
  • Verbal and written expression in German and/or English, Dutch would be a bonus


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

Extra information

This company is in urgent need of reliable helping hands. Apply now and get started as soon as possible! #startnow
Education Level
Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität
Working hours per week
16 - 20
Type of Contract
Nebenjob/Wochenendjob, Werkstudentenstelle
Salary indication
11.15€ pro Stunde
Responsible for
preparation and digitization of documents
Profession type
Design / Mode / Handwerk / Kultur, Produktion / Industrie
Full UK/EU driving license preferred
Car Preferred
Cover Letter Required
Englisch, Deutsch
Kultur Jobs
Produktion Jobs
| Nebenjob/Wochenendjob | Werkstudentenstelle | Abitur | Andere | Fachabitur | Hauptschule | Realschule | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

16 - 20 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
11.15€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität

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