PhD positions arctic plant & boreal tree palaeogenomics and

Awi - via Umantis - Potsdam - 27-06-2019 zur Vakanz  

Background and Tasks

Arctic ecosystems are characterized by strong changes not only today but also in the past which has hitherto only partially been documented by classical palaeoecological approaches. One position will focus on Siberian arctic biodiversity change. As part of this position, the new tool of sedimentary ancient DNA will be applied and further developed and compared to results from classical methods including pollen analysis.

Siberian forests are unique. Most of the area is covered by deciduous larch forests that can grow on permafrost. As part of the second position, genetic/genomic analyses of modern trees and of DNA preserved in sediments will be applied to identify the long-term biogeographical pattern of the different Larix taxa (and other tree taxa including pine and spruce) as well as their specific adaptations.


  • You should hold a M.Sc. or PhD degree in biology, geoscience, or related fields
  • Good English language skills are a prerequisite
  • A willingness to participate in field campaigns in Siberia is a requirement

Desirable skills and knowledge

  • Practical experience with standard molecular genetic techniques, palaeoecology, bioinformatics or Arctic vegetation are of advantage.

Further Information

For further information please contact
Dr. Ulrike Herzschuh
The positions are limited to 3 years and start as soon as possible but latest 1st of October 2019. The salary will be paid in accordance with the German Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes (TVöD Bund), up to salary level

The place of employment will be

This characterizes us

  • our scientific success - excellent research.
  • collaboration and cooperation - intra-institute, national and international, interdisciplinary.
  • opportunities to develop – on the job, aiming at other positions and beyond AWI.
  • a culture of reconciling work and family – audited, and even more than that.
  • our outstanding research infrastructure – ships, stations, aircraft, laboratories and more.
  • an international environment – everyday contacts with people from all over the world.
  • having an influence – fundamental research with social and political relevance
  • flat hierarchies – freedom and responsibility.
  • exciting topics – also in technology, administration and infrastructure.
AWI in Potsdam is located on historical Telegrafenberg and offers a vibrant research environment that covers interinstitutional collaborations, interdisciplinary, additional training possibilities through diverse workshops and courses.

Equal opportunities for women and men are an integral part of our personnel policy. Therefore, we encourage women to apply.
As Ph.D. student at AWI you will be member of the Helmholtz Graduate School for Polar and Marine Research ‘POLMAR’ ( or another graduate school.

Disabled applicants will be given preference when equal qualifications are present. The AWI fosters the compatibility of work and family through various means. Because of our engagement in the area of work-life compatibility we have been awarded the certificate “Career and Family”.


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