Trade fair (messe) booth helper and sales associate in Köln

YoungCapital - 27-05-2022 zur Vakanz  

Hi, we are attending a trade fair in Cologne Germany from June 18-21 of 2022. It is the Spoga + Gafa trade show in Messe Koln. We are looking for a reliable, professional, friendly and customer oriented person to attend with us and help set up the show and also help with answering our customer's questions.

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
40 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 10.00€ und 20.00€ pro Stunde

Was du machen wirst:

Hi, we are attending a trade show in Cologne Germany from June 18-21 of 2022. It is the Spoga + Gafa trade show in Koln.
We are looking for a reliable, professional, friendly and customer oriented person to attend with us and help set up the show and also help with answering our customer's questions.

Hi, we are attending a trade show in Cologne Germany from June 18-21 of 2022. It is the Spoga + Gafa trade show in Koln.
We are looking for a reliable, professional, friendly and customer oriented person to attend with us and help set up the show and also help with answering our customer's questions.

Our main customers are usually buyers and owners from medium to large retail chain businesses throughout Europe that does business with us, so professionalism is a must.

We are looking to hire temporarily one to 2 people to staff the booth and help with set up and take down of the booth.
The company is based in Bangladesh and sells jute garden baskets and macrame hangers to mainly garden centers throughout Europe.
So not much knowledge on the products is needed, we are looking mainly for someone reliable and presentable at the shows.
If you are interested or know any one interested please contact me, help will be needed from June 18th- June 21st of this year.
This job requires you to be at the show in person.
If you're looking for a temporary job this year, looking to expand on your resume of working with an international company at an international B2B trade show.

And applicant must live in Koln, Germany or is able to travel to Koln, Germany everyday.
From June 18- June 21, 2022
Thank you!
Mahdi Adittya
Creation (PVT.) Limited

Was wir bieten:

  • Lunch break
  • No contract
  • Experience in the international business field

Was wir erwarten:

  • teamwork
  • communication skills
  • Professionalism
  • No experience required
  • Kein Abschluss erforderlich


Are you the ideal candidate (m/f/d) for this position?
Then apply now and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Extra Informationen

Abitur, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Nebenjob/Wochenendjob, Werkstudentenstelle, Minijob
Zwischen 10.00€ und 20.00€ pro Stunde
Verantwortlich für
Sales, customer service, help set up and take down booth
Events / Messe / Promotion / Hostess
Führerschein erforderlich?
Auto erforderlich?
Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
Promotion Jobs
| Nebenjob/Wochenendjob | Werkstudentenstelle | Minijob | Abitur | Fachabitur | Hauptschule | Realschule | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 10.00€ und 20.00€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität

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