Intern (m/f/d) Financial Advisory - Sport Business Group in Düsseldorf

YoungCapital - 28-03-2019 zur Vakanz  

Making an impact that matters. Unser Anspruch ist, jeden Tag das zu tun, was wirklich zählt. Finde jetzt den perfekten Job bei Deloitte.
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Intern (m/f/d) Financial Advisory - Sport Business Group
Making an impact that matters. Our ambition is to do things that count every day. Our wide range of business activities – from Audit & Assurance, Risk Advisory to Tax & Legal to Financial Advisory and Consulting – is a unique support for our customers. We set new standards, provide innovative approaches and facilitate sustainable growth. We support our highly qualified and talented employees, so that they achieve more with us.

We are looking for ambitious students to join and support our team in

Responsibilities and deliverables

  • Close involvement in the preparation of our English-language publication „European Health & Fitness Market Report“ through research activities, data processing as well as the preparation and editing of texts
  • Support ongoing consultancy projects in the sports and fitness market (e.g. due diligence, market analyses, internationalisation strategies, benchmarking)
  • Research in the sports and fitness industry (e.g. collection and analysis of information on companies, leagues and markets)
  • Participation in the preparation of pitch and company presentations

Skills and experiences

  • Student (m/f) of business administration, economics or sports management with above-average academic achievements and strong dedication to your studies
  • English language proficiency on native speaker level and excellent writing skills
  • Practical experience in the sports and fitness industry or in the financial services sector
  • Interest in the economics of the sports and fitness industry
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office software
  • Analytical thinking and high affinity towards numbers
  • Independent, goal-oriented working style and capacity for teamwork

In return we offer

As Fair Company we offer not just an adequate payment. You will also explore an open and supportive working environment with international exposure at all levels of the organization. From the beginning you will take on responsibility to your own projects and to build your own platform and area of expertise within a firm that not only recognises your value, but always challenges your thinking.

Your availability

As working student (m/f) you are available up to 20 hours per week. During the semester break it is possible to work up to 40 hours per week.

Are you interested? We are looking forward to your application.

Your contact person for this role is the .
The inclusion of people with disabilities is our mutual understanding. We very much appreciate your application.
Our FAQs will help you with questions concerning applications at Deloitte. Additionally, our application tips will give you specific advice on how to apply successfully via our online portal:

What impact will you make?

Financial Advisory

Service Area:
Transaction & Restructuring Services

Düsseldorf, DE

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Job ID:

Jobs werden häufig an verschiedenen Standorten mehrfach besetzt und Sie können flexibel jeden Monat beginnen - sofern nicht im Stellentext genannt, gibt es keinen Bewerbungsschluss.

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„Making an impact that matters“ – das ist der Anspruch der über 286.000 Mitarbeiter von Deloitte, einem der weltweit führenden Beratungs- und Prüfungsunternehmen in mehr als 150 Ländern. Unser Know-how in den Bereichen Audit & Assurance, Tax & Legal, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory und Consulting macht uns zum weltweit geschätzten Partner unterschiedlichster Unternehmen und Branchen. Die Projektvielfalt bietet enorme Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem Umfeld, das von Kollegialität, Innovationen und Abwechslungsreichtum geprägt ist.

Bitte warten...

Extra Informationen

Baugewerbe, IT / Software-Entwicklung / Programmierung
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