4 Postdocs in Neuroscience and related fields

Uk Essen - 16-08-2022 zur Vakanz  

The University Hospital Essen offers first class medical services in the Ruhr metropolis. Every year,
225.000 patients are treated in 30 clinics, 27 institutes and specialized centers. The over 8.000
employees offer medical care with state-of-the art diagnostics and therapies, which meet highest
international standards. Patient care is connected with basic and translational research at an
internationally competitive level.
The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and the Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) are among
Germany’s leading research universities. They draw their strength from both the diversity and the
proximity of natural sciences, humanities, and engineering disciplines on coherent campuses. These
highly dynamic settings enable researchers to work across traditional boundaries of academic
subjects and faculties.
The Center for Translational Neuro- and Behavioural Sciences at the University Hospital Essen
in close collaboration with the RUB and the Mercur excellence funding initiative is seeking for
4 Postdocs in Neuroscience and related fields (m/f/d)
(pay grade: 13 TV-L / 100% - temporary employment).
The pay grade classification depends on the personal and collective legal pre-requisites. The
employment is initially for a limited period. In accordance with the laws regarding scientific fixed-
term contracts (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz) or the Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz the duration
of the contract depends on the personal requirements. An extension might be possible according
to the approval of research funding and the maximum employment duration as given by laws
regarding scientific fixed-term contracts (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz).

Duties and responsibilities:

Details of the research program as well as further procedural details are outlined on the website:

Your profile:
Applicants should have an excellent PhD in a research topic related to neuroscience, psychology or
philosophy of mind and should already have published in high-ranking peer-reviewed journals. You
have ideally already about 2 years of research experience and want to continue your career in an
inspiring environment that fosters interdisciplinary approaches. The postdoc positions offer a focus
on research only (no teaching or administration). It is expected that the successful candidate will
submit a grant proposal to establish her/his own research group (e.g. ERC starting grant, Emmy
Noether Research Grant, Sofia Kovalevskaja-Award, etc.) during the postdoctoral period. Candidate
selection will be based on whether submission of such a proposal is a realistic goal in addition to
usual measures of scientific excellence.
Job Vacancy
The University Hospital Essen is an equal opportunity employer. Female scientists are particularly
encouraged to apply. The participation in secondary employment depends on the
of North-Rhine Westphalia. Disabled applicants will be
preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification. The position is also available as part-
time employment.
Our university offers attractive academic career track options and family friendly conditions
Deadline of application is September 18th, 2022. Applications must include CV, research statement,
cerificates and records, list of publications and talks, and names of 2 referees. Furthermore, the best
two publications (published or accepted) should be attached. The research statement should outline
the idea for your stay as well as a research proposal plan for a competitive peer-reviewed grant
during your postdoc period in maximally 3 pages (excluding references). Please explicitly describe
the connection to one or more of the THINK@RUHR research questions outlined on the website.
Please send your application with reference to job vacancy ID 1165 preferably via email to to

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