Working Student

YoungCapital - Hamburg - 20-05-2019 zur Vakanz  

Have you ever been squished into an already bursting train with hundreds of other people? We know the feeling and are happy to tell you that there is a solution for all of this - and you can be a part of it! Become a working student (m/f/d) for an E-Scooter Start-Up in Hamburg! Help people just like you to get to their uni or office without stress and with lots of fun and fresh air! Sounds good? Well, what are you waiting for?

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
12 - 20 Stunden pro Woche
12.00€ pro Stunde

What are you going to do:

  • As a working student (m/f/d) you place the E-Scooters at the designated spots in town
  • You also collect them in the evening and check them for any defects
You are responsible for the maintenance, as well as the charging
of the batteries

What we offer:

  • 12 Euro per hour + extra pay for night shifts and Sundays
  • Flexible working hours, between 12-20 hours per week (perfect to combine with your studies)
  • As a working student (m/f/d) you will be part of a cool and young Start-Up team
  • Fun while riding the scooters around town

What we ask:

  • Enrolled in a state-recognized university
  • You have good use of English or German
  • A driver's license you can use within germany


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply directly' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!

Extra information

Education Level
Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität
Working hours per week
12 - 20
Type of Contract
Teilzeitjob, Abendjob, Nebenjob/Wochenendjob, Werkstudentenstelle
Salary indication
12.00€ pro Stunde
Responsible for
Delivery and pick up of E-Scooters to and from their designated spots in town, maintenance of the scooters
Profession type
Logistik Jobs, Reparatur / Instandhaltung / Montage
Full UK/EU driving license preferred
Car Preferred
Cover Letter Required
Logistik Jobs
Instandhaltung Jobs
| Teilzeitjob | Abendjob | Nebenjob/Wochenendjob | Werkstudentenstelle | Abitur | Andere | Fachabitur | Hauptschule | Realschule | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

12 - 20 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
12.00€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Andere, Fachabitur, Hauptschule, Realschule, Hochschule/Universität

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