Research Assistant
Helmut Schmidt University / University of the - via Zeit - Hamburg - 08-11-2022
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Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (HSU / UniBw H)
Vollzeit, Teilzeit
Bewerbungsfrist: 05.12.2022
Veröffentlicht am: 08.11.2022
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Research Assistant (m/f/d) Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Professorship for High Performance Computing
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At Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (HSU / UniBw H), Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Professorship for High Performance Computing (Univ.‑Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Neumann), a position is
available from the next possible date
for a
Research Assistant (m/f/d)
(salary group 13 TVöD / German civil service pay scale; 39 hours per week)for a limited period of 3 years.
- The research tasks deal with the development of novel algorithms, efficient implementations or efficient data analysis methods on current HPC systems. Possible foci of the work arise in the scope of multiscale flow simulation development with the software MaMiCo which is developed at the chair as well as with regard to collaborative developments of molecular dynamics simulations.
- Assistance in teaching to the extent of basically 3 trimester hours per week
- Possibility of further academic qualification (e.g. doctorate or habilitation)
- Carrying out general administrative work as well as academic activities in academic self-administration
Qualification requirements:
- A completed university degree (Diplom [univ.] or Master) in a field of study with a specialisation in high performance computing or parallel programming (e.g. computer science, computational engineering, mathematics, physics)
- Programming skills, preferably C/C++
- Very good knowledge of English and German, both written and spoken
Furthermore desired:
- Further knowledge in parallel programming using MPI/OpenMP/CUDA is desirable
- Interest in and excellent skills for highly interdisciplinary collaborations
- Interest in producing scientific publications in renowned scientific journals and presenting your work at renowned conferences
- Initiative, teamwork and communication skills
Features of this position:
- The chair has various HPC systems and access to a PetaFLOP-enabled HPC cluster, providing excellent conditions for hardware-related and algorithmic performance investigations and related research.
- The group is involved in a wide range of HPC activities and projects, providing an exciting research environment and the opportunity to explore future-oriented technologies.
- Capital-forming benefits
- Special annual payment
- Company pension scheme
- Flexible working hours
- You will benefit from targeted personnel development and an extensive range of further training and education opportunities.
- Budget-friendly meals in the campus canteen with three meals a day
- You have the opportunity to participate in company health measures (for more information, see:
- Free parking on the campus grounds
- Possibility of using the Bundeswehr's own car-sharing service (for more information, go to:
For questions related to scientific or technical aspects, please contact Univ.‑Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Neumann, Tel.: 040/6541‑2723 or by e‑mail:
The employment is based on the collective agreement for the public service (TVöD) in conjunction with the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz (WissZeitVG). In principle, the activities correspond to pay group 13 (E13). However, the actual classification depends on the fulfilment of the relevant collective agreement and personal requirements.
Part-time employment is possible.
Applications from women are expressly encouraged. Women will be given preferential consideration in areas in which they are underrepresented, if they demonstrate the same eligibility, capabilities and professional performance, provided that the reasons relating to the person of a competitor do not prevail. We expressly welcome applications from severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities. Severely disabled persons and their equals will be given preferential consideration in cases of equal suitability, ability and professional performance. Only a minimum level of physical aptitude is required for them. The fulfilment of further prerequisites of the job announcement is considered individually.
More information about the university and the professorship can be found at:
Please send your application with the usual documents exclusively in electronic form (PDF file), quoting the reference number
MB-4122, by 05.12.2022
Information on data protection in the application process can be found on the website
under the heading “Universität – Karriere – Datenschutzinformationen”.
Applications without reference number will not be considered and will be deleted immediately for data protection reasons.
personaldezernat@hsu-hh.deWeitere Aktionen
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