Business developer and co-founder

YoungCapital - 28-07-2020 zur Vakanz  

Business Developer and potential Cofounder for Smarthome Cybersecurity Startup wanted. Work with the latest technologies in IoT and AI and help us launch a successful product in one of the fastest growing markets.

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
40 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 60,000.00€ und 75,000.00€ pro Stunde

Was du machen wirst:

The total amount of Internet of Things (IoT) devices is predicted to grow to 75 billion worldwide by 2025, a fivefold increase in ten years. Unfortunately, all of this doesn't come without drawbacks to our privacy.

Personal data processed by IoT devices is being collected and then sold to third-parties, often without our knowledge or consent. To make matters even worse, having such a product at home can expose us to a myriad of cyberthreats - including identity theft, ransomware, malware, phishing, and more.

We develop a Plug&Play solution that will help solve this problem by allowing people to regain control over their devices.

What you will do:
Conception and implementation of market research to better define the potential target market.
Developing new market entry strategies based on consumer demand.
Initiation of partnership opportunities with companies and other startups in this prospective field.

What we look for:
Understanding of Business development and marketing.
High affinity to the startup world and great interest in IT, especially in the field of smart-home technologies.
High motivation and independent working style.
Founding experience is an advantage.

What we offer:
We offer an interesting and challenging field of work in the meeting point between current state-of-the-art research and a huge consumer market. You are given the unique opportunity to work on a project in cooperation with CISPA − Helmholtz Center for Information Security. We work with internationally recognized experts and have the support of the institute’s wide network of partners.

Other perks include a newly renovated office-space in a young and dynamic environment, where professional development is fostered and encouraged. TVöD pay group depending on qualifications with an option to become a co-founder.

Was wir bieten:

  • Introduce world class research to the market
  • Work on your own direction
  • Become Founder

Was wir erwarten:

  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Technologie begeistert
  • Erfahrung optional
  • Kein Abschluss erforderlich


Bist du der ideale Kandidat (m/w/d) für diese Stelle? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und wir werden dich so schnell wie möglich kontaktieren.

Extra Informationen

Abitur, Hochschule/Universität
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 60,000.00€ und 75,000.00€ pro Stunde
Verantwortlich für
Conception and implementation of market research to better define the potential target market. Developing market entry strategies based on consumer demand. Initiation of partnership opportunities with companies.

Finance / Accounting / Controlling, Management
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Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
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| Vollzeitstelle | Abitur | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 60,000.00€ und 75,000.00€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Hochschule/Universität

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