Global Procurement Manager Digital Marketing
YoungCapital - 05-02-2020
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Unsere Vision ist unser Anspruch – wir entwickeln starke (neue) Marken und Geschäftsmodelle für Beiersdorf. Werde jetzt Teil unseres Teams.
Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
Ihre Aufgaben
- Shaping the future agency landscape in the Digital field at our company and closely aligned across all Marketing categories and functions
- Leading and/or participating and collaborating in the development of Marketing Procurement strategies
- Fun and drive to lead interesting, future oriented and innovative pitches on international level
- Supplier Management responsibility as well as the development of reward systems
- Consulting and accompanying functions and departments across the company
- Setting up global market and competitive analyses in the Digital Marketing environment
- Identifying additional cost and process improvements and realizing these projects
- Constant improvement of our procurement processes, templates and methods
Ihr Profil
- University Degree in Economics, Marketing or technical disciplines
- Several years of professional Digital industry specific experience, preferably in an international environment in Marketing Procurement with the focus on Digital Marketing Services, in other strategic Procurement or Marketing functions or in Digital Agencies
- Capabilities and experience in Project-/Account Management and in leading cross-functional (international) teams
- Entrepreneurial spirit with strong capabilities in analytical thinking and in strategic development
- Fluent in spoken and written English, second language preferred
- High-level of communicational and people’s management skills (cross-hierarchy and cross-functional)
- Enjoying being part of a cosmopolitan Team
- Enthusiastic to travel worldwide
If you have any questions, please contact our recruiter Kirsten Wache every Wednesday between 9 and 10 am via the telephone number: +494049094956.
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