Bioinformatics student assistant

Leibniz-Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung - via Softgarden - Berlin - 03-08-2022 zur Vakanz  

  • Berlin, Deutschland
  • Without Professional Experience
  • 8/2/22
The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Leibniz IZW) in Berlin is Germany’s premier wildlife research institute. The Leibniz IZW focuses on the life histories and mechanisms of evolutionary adaptations of mammals and birds, their limits and their conservation in natural and anthropogenically influenced environments. The institute operates within the fields of evolutionary ecology, ecological dynamics, evolutionary genetics, wildlife diseases, reproduction biology and reproduction management.

The IZW-Department of Evolutionary Genetics offers (earliest start 1st of November, 2022)

1 Bioinformatics student assistant position


We are looking for a highly motivated student keen to assist with Bioinformatics analysis of next-generation sequencing data at the Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv). The successful applicant will work within a multi-disciplinary research team and be based at BeGenDiv, in Berlin-Dahlem.


Registration at a German university at a faculty of bioinformatics, computer science or biology as undergraduate (degrees of Staatsexamen, Bachelor or Master).

The successful candidate will have very good programming skills in Python and R, good command of English, some experience with NGS data analysis and an interest Genomics applied to Biodiversity studies.

Good organisational skills, high motivation and ability to work independently are essential. Personal interest in the questions of how species adapt to ongoing change is a bonus.

Applications and working environment:

The position will start on 1
November, 2022
or as soon as it is filled up. Work load comprises a minimal of

40 hours per month, the actual amount of hours can be negotiated

. The place of employment is the Berlin Center for Genomics in Biodiversity Research (BeGenDiv), Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8 Berlin (Germany). Enquiries or questions should be directed to

Dr. Camila Mazzoni

at +49 30 83859961,
As a member of the Leibniz Association the Leibniz-IZW is an equal opportunity employer, determined to increase the proportion of women in successful scientific careers, and particularly encourages women to apply. Preference will be given to disabled applicants with the same qualifications.

Please upload complete application documents including a letter of motivation, CV, proof of university enrolment and contact details (email address and telephone) of a person who can provide a reference. Submit your application as soon as possible but

no later than 15 September 2022
via the Leibniz-IZW’s online-job-market (
button “Apply online”
). Interviews will take place online in late September, 2022. We are looking forward to your application!

zur Vakanz