Senior Sales Manager

Glossybox De - Berlin - 10-07-2020 zur Vakanz  

GLOSSYBOX bietet das Beste aus zwei Welten: Ein innovatives, leidenschaftliches und kreatives Start-up-Umfeld mit den Möglichkeiten eines etablierten Unternehmens. Mehr als 150 Mitarbeiter aus 22 verschiedenen Nationen arbeiten mit großem Einsatz daran, DIE Plattform für das Entdecken von Beauty zu schaffen.

Unser Herz schlägt in Berlin – dem europäischen Silicon Valley. Dank unseres überragenden Teams konnten wir uns als einer der weltweit führenden Beauty-Boxen-Anbieter mit mehr als 11 Millionen verkauften Boxen etablieren. Seit August 2017 ist GLOSSYBOX Tochterfirma der The Hut Group, einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Online Retailer.

Stellen in Berlin, Deutschland

Ecommerce Manager (M/W/D)
THG is a fast-moving, global technology business that specialises intaking brands direct to consumers.Ourworld-class proprietary tech and infrastructure powers our extensive portfolio of beauty, nutrition and lifestyle brands and is now helping drive exponential growth of our clients’ brands globally.

We’re powered by a global team of over 10,000 ambitious people around the world.Our culture is fast-paced and entrepreneurial, it’s this DNA that has supported our incredible growth.

We’re always looking for individuals that can bring fresh and innovative thinking to THG, and play a part in driving the group forward on its exciting journey. So, if you’re ready to take the next big step in your career, challenge yourself every day and evolve with the world around you, THG is ready for you.


GLOSSYBOX is the leading luxury subscription-based beauty box service trading in the Nordics, France, UK and US, alongside Germany. Our business concept unites premier brands from the cosmetics industry with customers and beauty enthusiasts in an innovative and direct manner. Whether one chooses to subscribe to our exclusively curated limited edition box or wants to opt for the monthly box subscription, our customers always receive selected beauty products delivered straight to their door - from well-known brands to exciting, upcoming brands. Through various marketing channels we create a transparent and sustainable relationship with our customers that allows us to provide our partners with valuable feedback about their products and new insights about their target market. Our more than 100 employees from 22 different nations direct all their efforts to create the platform for beauty discovery. From our metropolitan offices in Berlin, Stockholm, Manchester and New York we deliver boxes to our customers in 10 countries.

This is an exciting opportunity to join a small, hard-working team at stage of fast growth. We’re looking for a passionate, enthusiastic E-Commerce Manager to join our team to lead our next stage of growth.

About the Role:

Reporting to the Head of E-Commerce, the E-Commerce Manager is responsible for the Management of the site and responsibility of sales across subscriptions and Limited Editions across the European territory. Working alongside a Campaign team, you will be responsible for ensuring sales and cancellation targets are met, alongside ensuring strong levels of retention. You will be responsible for managing performance marketing channel targets and a monthly budget. As part of your role you will be expected to deliver a strong on-site experience to support both sales and retention. We are proud to be an influential brand, and ensuring we use subscriber data to inform all our decisions is key. We expect the E-Commerce Manager to work in synergy with the rest of the marketing team and offering support to other teams where needed. You will be expected to be professional and courteous at all times. Our aim is to produce and procure informative and entertaining content, which positions us as the most trusted beauty box brand.

Key responsibilities will include:

  • Management of the site and responsibility of sales across subscriptions and Limited Editions
  • Analysing e-commerce KPI metrics daily to maximise sales opportunities and react accordingly
  • Ensuring all offers, site banners and pricing is correct
  • Working closely with the campaigns team to brief and build engaging product pages that provide the customer with relevant information, advice and conversion.
  • Ensure the GLOSSYBOX monthly brand campaigns are realised on site and across all online marketing channels
  • Work closely with both tech and operations to ensure a smooth user journey and customer experience
  • Working with the paid media team to achieve sales and brand awareness targets. Ensuring PPC and Paid Social ads are created on-time, evaluated and are improved throughout the month.
  • Management of eCRM strategy. Ensuring a strong calendar of email activity is planned and delivered for both subscribers and non-subscribers
  • Utilising Google Analytics and our in-house data platform to highlight areas of improvement and new opportunities for the business
  • Delivering added value to the business with our occasional Limited Editions
  • Liaise with our Partnerships, Social and Campaigns teams to ensure clear, cohesive brand communications on site, via email and digital marketing channels.
  • Reviewing competitor activity and analysing trends to ensure we are in a strong market position


  • 3+ years experience in the e-commerce industry
  • A genuine interest in beauty
  • Good project management, planning and organization skills
  • HTML encoding skills are a big plus
  • Excellent MS Office skills
  • Analytical mindset, structured approach to problem solving, independent way of working
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English and German required
  • Extremely organized and detail-oriented
  • Ability to analyze data and drawing recommendations based on data insights
  • Have a pulse on industry trends and culture
  • Have a "no task is too small" attitude and enjoys a fast-paced environment


  • A young and dynamic environment with an international and highly motivated team
  • Opportunities for individual development, varied tasks and a steep learning curve
  • Flat hierarchies and flexible structures
  • Modern open-space office in the heart of Berlin
....and of course your monthly GLOSSYBOX
Because of the high volumes of applications our opportunities attract, it sometimes takes us time to review and consider them all. We endeavour to respond to every application we receive within 14 days. If you haven't heard from us within that time frame or should you have any specific questions about this or other applications for positions at THG please contact one of our Talent team to discuss further.

THG is committed to creating a diverse & inclusive environment and hence welcomes applications from all sections of the community.


Bewirb dich direkt
. Wir freuen uns über Deine vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen, inklusive eines aussagekräftigen Portfolios mit Angabe des frühestmöglichen Eintrittstermins sowie Gehaltsvorstellungen.

GLOSSYBOX ist der weltweit führende Anbieter von monatlichen Beauty-Boxen. Mit über elf Millionen verkauften Boxen ist GLOSSYBOX in zehn Ländern erfolgreich. Über 250.000 Abonnenten erhalten monatlich eine Beauty-Box mit hochwertigen Kosmetik- und Pflegeprodukten. GLOSSYBOX arbeitet mit über 1.100 internationalen Markenpartnern zusammen.

Unser Herz schlägt in Berlin – dem europäischen Silicon Valley. Seit unserer Gründung im März 2011 sind wir stark gewachsen und seit der Übernahme von The Hut Group (THG) im August 2017 gehört GLOSSYBOX zu einer der größten und am schnellsten wachsenden Online Retailer weltweit. Wir haben über 10 Jahre Erfahrung im Aufbau und Wachstum von Marken im Beauty- und Wellness Bereich in über 160 Ländern. Wir erschaffen einzigartige digitale Marken Erfahrungen und unser Inhouse Design Team entwickelt und erstellt eine maßgeschneiderte eigene Technologie- Plattform, welche von mehreren Millionen von Menschen weltweit genutzt wird.

Mit einem weltklasse Business, einer eigenen maßgeschneiderten Technologie-Plattform und einem revolutionärem Geschäftsmodell ist es unser Bestreben, der globale digitale Marktführer zu sein.

Du möchtest neben deinem Studium Praxisluft schnuppern und möchtest GLOSSYBOX bei unserem Bestreben der globale Marktführer zu werden unterstützen? Dann bewirb dich jetzt!

Deine Aufgaben
  • Unterstützung des jeweiligen Teams im Tagesgeschäft
  • Aktive Beteiligung an spannenden, zukunftsorientierten Projekten auch teamübergreifend


  • Studium mit Bezug zu den Tätigkeiten im jeweiligen Fachbereich (vorzugsweise BWL, Marketing, Design, Kommunikation, Operations)
  • Einen guten Notenspiegel
  • Interesse an Beauty
  • Einsatz- und Lernbereitschaft
  • Freude an eigenverantwortlichem und selbstständigem Arbeiten
  • Fließende Deutsch- sowie Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift


  • Arbeitszeiten können so flexibel eingeteilt werden, dass sie mit Klausurphasen und deinem Stundenplan harmonieren
  • Flache Hierarchien, ein stetiger Lernprozess und ein lockeres Arbeitsumfeld
  • Großzügiges, helles Büro im Herzen Berlins
  • Glossy Benefits wie kostenfreies Obst, eine Kaffee Flatrate und spezielle Mitarbeiter Rabatte
  • …und natürlich deine monatliche GLOSSYBOX

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