Angestellte/ Angestellter
II. Rahmenbedingungen
befristet / Teilzeit
Tätigkeitsbeginn am:
Tätigkeitsdauer bis zum:
E 13, TV-L
Region des Arbeitsortes*:
III. Berufliches Profil/Voraussetzungen
Titel/Akademischer Grad/Berufsabschluss:
Master oder PhD
Studienfächer/berufliche Qualifikation:
Berufliche Erfahrungen:
IV. Anzeige
German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning (DIE)
is the central institution for research, policies, and practice in adult and continuing education in Germany and a member of the Leibniz Association.
In the research department "Systems and Policies", we are currently looking for
a research associate (m/f/d)
to join our office in Bonn and starton January the 1st 2023
in the
project "
Constructing Learning Outcomes in Europe – A Multi-level Analysis of (Under-)Achievement in the
Life Course"
(CLEAR Project 101061155). The position is part time (50%) and fixed-term (limited to two years), with a salary according to the German public sector (E13 TV-L).
The project is funded by
Horizon Europe,
the EU framework programme for research and innovation, under Cluster 2, Destination 3 "Innovative Research on Social and Economic Transformations - Addressing poor learning outcomes in basic skills and early school leaving at national, regional and local level in Europe”. It is a collaborative project with partners from eight European countries: University of Münster (Germany, coordination), DIE (Germany), University of Vienna (Austria), University of Urbino, University of Genova (both Italy), Codici Cooperativa Sociale Onlus (Italy), University of Turku (Finland), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), University of Thessaloniki (Greece), University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria).
The project aims to analyse the factors that affect the quality of learning outcomes across European regions and examine the causes of what is understood as (under-)achievement. It focuses the processes of constructing learning outcomes as the result of manifold intersecting institutional arrangements, spatial and socioeconomic determinants, discursive and socio-cultural influences, as well as individual experiences, dispositions, cognitive and psycho-emotional abilities. The overall aim is to contribute to a better understanding of the processes of constructing learning outcomes and inquire into the impact of policies to tackle underachievement at regional and local level. CLEAR will conduct comparative, multi-level analyses in 8 EU countries – Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain – by means of quantitative multi-level analysis, qualitative policy and institutional analyses, expert surveys at national and regional level, and participatory strategies at local level.
Your tasks
- Describe territorial and longitudinal variations in opportunity structures connected to learning outcomes at national and regional level based on available statistical data.
- Explore correlations between learning outcomes, labour market and socio-economic conditions with cross- and within-country differentiations (NUTS 0 - 2) and preparation of national and international comparative reports.
- Identify clusters of regions and ‘statistical profiles’ of national/regional contexts based on the combination of learning outcomes, labour market and socio-economic characteristics.
- Review policies and governance mechanisms and contribute to the preparation of comparative policy analyses at national and regional level.
- Contribute to Discussion Papers, Policy Briefs and publications.
Your profile
You should hold anabove-average university degree (Master or PhD) preferably in education or social and political sciences and demonstrate:
- good knowledge of empirical research methodology (quantitative
qualitative social research, empirical educational research) as well as usage of relevant software tools,
- experience in the analysis of secondary data from European and international surveys (EU-LFS, EU-SILC, AES, PIAAC etc.),
- experience in conducting policy analysis and expert surveys,
- interest in international-comparative research and in interdisciplinary cooperation,
- very good command of English and German language.
We offer
Flexi- and part-time arrangements, corporate health care, family support schemes, opportunities for mobile working, a knowledge-intensive environment and personnel development schemes.Applications in electronic form, should be sent by
to: German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) - Human Resources Department - Heinemannstr. 12-14, 53175 Bonn,
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