Extern 5 6249 22 D
veröffentlicht am 14.06.2022 Seite 1 / 2
The DFG-funded Research Unit FOR 5281 "MultiTroph (Multi-Trophic Interactions in a Forest Biodiversity Experiment in
China)" offers the following position:
Research Officer (m/f/d) for the project
"MultiTroph Data management" (Z2)
Starting date: October 1st, 2022, full-time employment (100%), part-time employment is possible, limited to 4 years, salary
will be up to Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L if the personal requirements and tasks are fulfilled.
The work place will be in Halle (Saale) in the research group of Prof. Helge Bruelheide in the Institute of Biology / Geobot-
any and Botanical Garden, which offers an international working atmosphere and focuses on functional biodiversity re-
search in forests and grasslands as well as on biogeography and vegetation ecology.
Research topic:
The Research Unit MultiTroph is part of the Biodiversity-Ecosystem Functioning China (BEF-China) research platform. The
platform was established in 2008 by Chinese, German and Swiss researchers (https://bef-china.com) and comprises the
worldwide largest tree diversity experiment.
MultiTroph aims at identifying the underlying mechanisms of the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem func-
tioning across different trophic interactions along the experimental tree diversity gradient of BEF-China. The ultimate goal
is to connect the different interaction types to large food webs in the context of tree diversity loss. Prof. Dr. Alexandra-
Maria Klein from the University of Freiburg, (www.nature.uni-freiburg.de) leads the Research Unit in collaboration with
Prof. Dr. Chao-Dong Zhu, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (http://english.ioz.cas.cn) and
with the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv, www.idiv.de).
Ecological research is generating data faster and in larger volumes than ever before. Thus, data management has become
a key element for successful integrative projects. The data manager will ensure efficient data management in the pro-
cessing of data among MultiTroph’s subprojects through extensive services provided by training courses and the mainte-
nance and ongoing development of the BEF-China data portal, as well as by supporting data and code open access publi-
cation strategies. Data management will be conducted along the entire data lifecycle, specifically by optimising the func-
tionality of the BEFdata portal, thus also supporting other projects on the platform such as the international DFG research
training group TreeDì and other projects using BEFdata, by providing reproducible computational workflows and training
on data integration, and by managing paper proposals that guarantee a safe environment for data sharing.
- Curate and develop the existing project database BEFdata
- Quality control of data and metadata, supporting data annotation
- Improve the BEFdata functionalities to conduct complex searches
- Map scientific workflows and support pipeline development for data and code publications
- Support biodiversity synthesis and meta-analysis projects by generating tailor-made and quality-controlled synthe- sis datasets
- Regular workshops on BEFdata usage, data-handling and statistics.
Reg.-Nr. 5-6249/22-D
veröffentlicht am 14.06.2022 Seite 2 / 2
- University degree in Computer Science (with an ecological focus), Bioinformatics, Statistics, Ecology or Biology, or a related scientific discipline
- Strong motivation to organize large and complex ecological data
- Excellent management skills
- Experience with database programming (PostgreSQL/Rails or related)
- Knowledge of R, Git, Web GIS, Javascript and experience in software engineering
- High motivation to work and communicate in an interdisciplinary and international research team
- Fluency in written and spoken English, as shown in a publication record, and the motivation to acquire basic Ger- man language skills
alent qualifications. Women are particularly encouraged to apply. We are committed to establishing and maintaining a
diverse and inclusive community that collectively supports and implements our mission to do great science. We welcome,
recruit, develop and advance talented staff from diverse genders and backgrounds.
Queries concerning the application process should be directed to Prof. Dr. Helge Bruelheide (helge.bruel-
heide@botanik.uni-halle.de) quoting the reference number 5-6249/22-D. Please send a single pdf of your application
documents, including a motivation letter with research interests and relevant experience, curriculum vitae with publica-
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