Part-time, Student or Intern

YoungCapital - Hamburg - 26-05-2021 zur Vakanz  

Hamburg-based start-up seeks marketing-savvy personality. Are you studying or have you already finished your studies, do you have some work experience and are you familiar with social media? Then get in touch with us!

Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
10 - 20 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 600€ und 1,200€ pro Monat

Was du machen wirst:


is a small, young and dynamically growing technology start-up based in Hamburg. We specialise in analysing drone and satellite data for precise vegetation mapping. Our projects and clients span the globe – from Europe to North and South America and Australasia. With our image recognition and data analysis technology, we are at the forefront of digitalising the natural environment, especially forests and plantations, to provide comprehensive inventories and biomass estimates, as well as early detection of disease in plants. Also, we are building a platform on which users will be able to view, edit, share and download their forest maps and data, order new analyses or find a local drone pilot.

Our social media and marketing activities are yet in their infancy, so we are seeking YOU to help us with this vital part, in order to grow our business. We would like to increase and improve our activities on Social Media, as well as improving the interactivity of our website and news to engage more frequently with our potential customers who stem from the forestry, plantation, wood-processing and pulp and paper industries worldwide. Also, we need to improve our SEO and Google AdWords activities and, from time to time, write and edit articles for printed media.


ideally have some experience in social media and marketing and, more importantly, be eager to learn and adopt tools to digitally engage our target audience. Whether you are a student or just returning from a break (maternity or otherwise), we would like to hear from you! Languages other than English are a plus, but not mandatory -we already speak German, English, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian.

Your work hours are flexible and can be anywhere between 10 and 20 hours per week – with the potential for a full-time job as we grow. You can also work remotely and do not have to be in the office, although some face-to-face time has proven useful. You would be joining a young, professional team of eight: biologists, foresters, geomatic engineers, coders, and data scientists. We are easygoing and fun to work with and our current gender mix is an encouraging three to five.

Give us a call or drop us a line and we can have a chat about you and us!

Was wir bieten:

  • Creative Start up Mentality
  • Employee Advantages
  • New Work

Was wir erwarten:

  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Kommunikationsstärke
  • Kreativität
  • Keine Erfahrung vorausgesetzt
  • 0 bis 6 Monate relevante Erfahrung
  • 6 bis 12 Monate relevante Erfahrung
  • Eingeschriebene/r Student/in an einer staatlich anerkannten Hochschule


Bist du der ideale Kandidat (m/w/d) für diese Stelle? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und wir werden dich so schnell wie möglich kontaktieren.

Extra Informationen

Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
10 - 20
Karrierestarter, Teilzeitjob, Trainee
Zwischen 600€ und 1,200€ pro Monat
Verantwortlich für
Marketing and Social Media
Marketing / Kommunikation / PR / Werbung, Online Marketing / eCommerce
Führerschein erforderlich?
Auto erforderlich?
Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
Englisch, Deutsch
Marketing Jobs
Online-Marketing Jobs
Marketingangestellter Jobs
Online-Vermarkter Jobs
| Karrierestarter | Teilzeitjob | Trainee | Hochschule/Universität

Auf einen Blick

10 - 20 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 600€ und 1,200€ pro Monat

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