Professor (W3 or W2 with Tenure Track to W3) in Optical System Design and Simula

Uni-jena - 24-04-2020 zur Vakanz  

The faculty of Physics and Astronomy at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena invites applications for the position of
Professor (W3 or W2 with Tenure Track to W3) in
Optical System Design and Simulation
to be filled in 2021.
The successful candidate (m/f/d) should have a scientific focus on design and simulation of optical systems, covering conceptual layout, design, optimization, physical simulation as well as tolerancing. This includes excellent research work on modern components, aberration theory, digital imaging and metrology of systems, imaging and illumination applications and physical simulation of the various effects in real optical systems. One of the most important goals in this research area is the development and investigation of novel methods and algorithms in optical design in the field of optical instrumentation. Thereby, a holistic approach and conceptual system thinking considering classical and modern approaches as well as technological aspects of realization are expected. A strong application related approach in close cooperation with the other research groups of the University and thematically related institutes and companies within an existing and growing network is expected. Active contributions to the university's profile line Light are desired. Involvement in academic self-administration is expected. Teaching should cover especially the design of optical systems within the curricula in physics and in particular photonics, whereby the courses are to be held predominantly in English.

Prerequisites for the employment are a relevant university degree, pedagogic skills, a pertinent dissertation and a habilitation or equivalent achievements in the subject area. Experience in the acquisition of research funds, project acquisition and in the implementation of third-party funded projects as well as leadership skills are highly appreciated. In case this is the first professorial position of the candidate, the appointment is intended to be initially on the W2 level and limited to six years. In this case, the transition to a W3 professorship without renewed announcement is envisaged based on a positive tenure evaluation, at the latest after six years.

The Friedrich Schiller University wants to promote women in science and education and is particularly looking forward to receive applications from female researchers. Applications of handicapped people will be given preference in the selection among equivalently qualified competitors.


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