Student/Scientific Assistant
Opening: Student Assistant The research group “Conquering (with) Concrete. German Construction Companies as Global Players in Local Contexts” invites applications for one
student/scientific assistant (SHK/WHK, 10h/week)
to join the team from 1 October 2022. The contract will be granted for six months, with an option for renewal. The research project is funded by VolkswagenStiftung as part of the Freigeist Fellowship program and co-funded by the IRS Erkner. Research topic Global construction companies impact our futures. Beyond the edifices and infrastructures they construct, they also fundamentally influence governmental development aid policies or dislocate people to build a new dam, for example. Yet the role of these major global players and their persistent presence in different world regions has barely been reflected upon. This project uses German construction companies as a prism to address a broad spectrum of economic, political, environmental or cultural impacts in specific local contexts through case studies. The choice to investigate such entrenched power structures through German firms is triggered by an interest in the label ‘Made in Germany’, which was established in the late colonial period and still remains an unquestioned marker of quality. The main research question is: how have architecture and infrastructure projects built by German companies conquered the world? The project not only seeks to critically analyse success stories but also to interrogate moments of failure. Focusing on production cycles, a research team of the PI and three PhD candidates and a student assistant scrutinise global flows of capital, labour, know-how and construction materials such as concrete between Germany and Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa. Research group The research group is integrated into the Research Area “Contemporary History and Archive” at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (IRS), Erkner (near Berlin) and is closely affiliated with the Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Further collaboration exists with Prof. Dr. Johan Lagae and his research unit at Ghent University. The project is embedded in a broad academic network. The student assistant supports the team in research (literature research, care of the project database etc.), outreach (webpage) and administrative tasks such as organisation of workshops and fieldwork trips. Requirements The candidate must be a student of Architecture, Urban Planning, Social Anthropology, Geography, History, Architectural/Art History or related discipline in the humanities and social sciences with a significant focus on the built environment and its history. Preference will be given to applicants with training in urban geography, social anthropology/ethnography or in global and extra-European (architectural and urban) history, including language proficiency in English, German, and other languages relevant to the project (esp. French and Spanish). Moreover, applicants should demonstrate (archival) research ability, interest in databases and mapping tools, commitment to
teamwork, affinity towards social media and agility in organisational tasks. International academic experience (study, research, publications, conferences, etc.) is advantageous. Our offer The IRS ensures the professional equality of all persons under the Federal Equality Act (BGleiG) and strives for an open and non-discriminatory work culture. We expressly welcome applications from women. If they are equally suitable, applicants with severe disabilities will be given preferential treatment. Please submit your application until 8 September 2022, 10 am to with the reference number 3122. Interviews with the candidates are scheduled for 12 and 13 September and will be held in person. Invited candidates will receive an invitation via email on 10 September until 6:00 pm CET. Applications must include: 1) cover letter, 2) CV, 3) diplomas/certificates, 4) name and contact information of one academic referee, 5) confirmation of enrolment. If you have any questions, please contact Monika Motylinska: The Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space takes the protection of personal data seriously. We collect, use and store your personal data exclusively within the framework of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information, visit the IRS website.
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