Research Assistant in Modelling Design for Material Behaviour

Earthworks - Kiel - 08-03-2019 zur Vakanz  

The Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU) Kiel is now founding the "Centre of Excellence in Geo-Energy". The aim of the centre is the use and the protection of the geological subsurface as a resource to provide and support the use of technologies for the extraction and storage of geo-energies. The centre of excellence is offering a

Research Assistant Position in Modelling Design

for Material Behaviour
starting on January 1
2019. The position is assigned to the chair of Marine and Terrestrial Geomechanics and Geotechnics at the Institute for Geosciences.
In the future, changing energy sectors create new challenges in the research field of geo-energy and -technologies. Therefore, new solutions are necessary in the laboratory and pilot-plant testing to simulate the behaviour and to develop new materials and constructions for energy storage and geo-energy-technologies. Thereby, the understanding of thermo-hydro-mechanical material behaviours is essential for the modelling and the interpretation of experimental analysis.

The occupation may commence as soon as the positions funding by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) has been approved. The position is limited to three years. This is a full-time position (38.7 h/week). Partial employment and flexible working time models are basically possible. The salary will be paid in accordance with the German tariff for public employees (TV-L E 13).

Job duties and requirements:

  • On-going development and application of numerical models
  • Description of the material behaviour by constitutive relationships, especially hydraulic, thermic and geomechanical coupled processes at various spatial scales (interaction and material modelling)
  • Organising, developing and implementing material models to illustrate thermo-hydro-mechanical problems
  • Implementation of training courses for the industry, authority and university
  • Guidance and support of PhDs and students
  • Organisation of technical and time schedule
  • Intense cooperation and network with internal and external partners of the "Centre of Excellence Geo-Energy"

Skills and qualifications:

  • Completed master degree in geomechanics, geotechnics, geosciences or civil engineering
  • Experience in geotechnical and geomechanical laboratory and pilot-plant testing
  • Professional software and programming skills
  • Excellent skills in software development
  • Data processing experience with latex and office
  • Ability to work independently, but also as part of a large interdisciplinary research team
  • Proficient German and English language skills
  • Flexible, resilient, sovereign and discrete personality
  • Driving licence category B and C1
The Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel strongly encourages women with appropriate qualifications to apply for the position. Women with equivalent qualifications, competence and expertise will be given preference.

The University also supports the employment of disabled persons. Persons with disabilities will, with appropriate qualification and aptitudes, be employed preferentially.

Further, we expressly welcome applications from people with a migration background.
For further information, please contact Ms. Glenewinkel (
, phone: +49 431 880 1978), Institute for Geoscience, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Please forward your applications with the standard documentation (cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificates and contact details of two referees) by

November 29
, 2018
referencing code "Geo-Energy Method Developer" preferred by e-mail (all documents merged into one PDF file) to Ms. Glenewinkel (

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