Machine learning internship for intelligent shopping lists in Ulm

YoungCapital - Ulm - 07-07-2022 zur Vakanz  

For our global eDevelopment at our location in Ulm we are looking for a motivated student (m/f/d) for internship with great interest in cutting-edge machine learning... In the Data Processing Technologies team, our goal is to create...

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For our global eDevelopment at our location in Ulm we are looking for a motivated student (m/f/d) for internship with great interest in cutting-edge machine learning technologies

In the Data Processing Technologies team, our goal is to create value and gain insights from data coming from a wide variety of Liebherr products. Besides many other interesting projects, we are analyzing anonymous user data from a popular shopping list app in order to develop data-driven features that improve the user experience. An ideal candidate has a solid understanding of machine learning algorithms and statistics, first experiences with the python data science stack, and is highly motivated to dive deep into large-scale datasets in order to solve real-world problems.

If this describes you, come and join our team at Liebherr!

Your responsibilities

  • Implementation and assessment of state-of-the-art technologies
  • Preparation of large datasets for explorative data analyses
  • Development, training and evaluation of machine learning models
  • Visualization and presentation of your results
  • Literature research

Your qualifications

  • Currently pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering or related fields
  • Experience with data engineering and training deep learning models
  • Proficiency in python and deep learning frameworks
  • Basic experience with cloud computing as well as bash scripting
  • High degree of motivation & ability to collaborate in a team
  • Excellent spoken and written communication skills in German & English

Our offer

At the Liebherr Digital Development Center, we are working on a wide range of digital solutions from cloud applications to embedded software to data analysis.

As intern in the Data Processing Technologies team, you will be able to gain a deep insight into cutting-edge technologies in areas such as computer vision, natural language processing or predictive maintenance. At the same time, you will enjoy a modern and comforting work environment with enthusiastic colleagues in our new Ulm offices, allowing you to do your best work with great support from everyone around you.

Earliest starting date: October 2022

Have we awoken your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your online application. If you have any questions, please contact Elke Straßer at:

One Passion. Many Opportunities.

Extra Informationen

Technik / Elektronik, Maschinenbau / Ingenieur
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