The central theme that the insurance industry is turning to is also the focus of our
: risk or in German "Risiko". Making risk transparent, calculable and thus workable in every way allows us to provide our customers distinct advantages.
Makes the Difference
The overall condition of an insurance company is largely determined by how the risk capital is managed. We place gravity on the importance of risk capital-oriented management (German “Kapital” and “Orientierung”) and support this with our models and tools. The standardized ROKOCO
is designed to be as lean and effective as possible for workflow processes in this context.
Results Through
Excellent Tools
The third pillar of our service is
data and analytics
. We use suitable approaches and procedures to gather, analyze and validate data and make it available for a variety of purposes in controlling (German “Controlling”). We operate this process using actuarial know-how and state-of-the-art tools. Only then can reliable and effective controlling of risks be guaranteed.
Our Leadership Team
Sebastian Hantsch
Business informatics graduate(German Dipl.)
Partner and Managing Director
Born in 1979, Sebastian completed a degree in information systems / business informatics at the University of Mannheim. In 2006 he began working for mamax Lebensversicherung AG as a computer scientist. Since October of 2007 he has been working as a consultant at ROKOCO, responsibilities entailing the design and development of asset-liability management systems, and simulation systems for reinsurance and administrative systems. Sebastian has been a Managing Director of ROKOCO GmbH since April 1, 2017 and Partner since January 1, 2024.
Sebastian Helbig
Mathematics graduate(German Dipl.)
Actuary (German Actuarial Society)
Partner and Managing Director
Sebastian was born in 1986 and completed a degree in mathematics with an emphasis on banking and insurance at the University of Applied Sciences Regensburg. His diploma thesis was in the field of capital market models. Since March of 2009, he has been working as a consultant at ROKOCO. Sebastian has been a Managing Director of ROKOCO GmbH since April 1, 2017 and Partner since January 1, 2024.
His tasks include the supervision and further development of the ALM systems PLA.NET and ALM.IT. He has several years of project experience in the modeling and implementation of actuarial business planning for life and health insurance and new capital investments, executing ALM studies and MCEV calculations as well as capital market modeling.
Dr. Anton S. Wittl
M.Sc.Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA)
Certified European Financial Analyst (CEFA)
Partner and Managing Director
Anton was born in 1990. He studied economics (B.Sc.) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich, completed a Master of Science degree in financial management at the University of Edinburgh and wrote his dissertation at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Since 2015 he has been working as a consultant at ROKOCO. Anton has been founding partner of ROKOCO Predictive Analytics GmbH since 2016 and managing director and partner of ROKOCO GmbH since August 2019. His responsibilities entail finances, investment management, marketing-communication and human resources as well as projects on asset management and capital markets.
Frank Brandt
Mathematics graduate(German Dipl.)
Yvonne Förster
Mathematics graduate(German Dipl.)
Actuary (German Actuarial Society)
Head of Health Insurance
Nadine Handrick
Mathematics graduate(German Dipl.)
Actuary (German Actuarial Society)
Head of Pension/IORPs
Stephanie Neureiter
B.Sc.Actuary (German Actuarial Society)
Deputy Head of Life Insurance
Julian Pfeiffer
M.Sc., CIIA, CEFAHead of Capital Assets/Markets
Thomas Raab
Mathematics graduate(German Dipl.)
Actuary (German Actuarial Society)
Authorized officer and Head of Life Insurance
Clemens Sommer
Actuary (German Actuarial Society)Actuarial Experts for Retirement Pensions (IVS)
Head of Pension/Occupational Pension
Science Advisory Board
The scientific advisory board contributes to the knowledge of ROKOCO Predictive Analytics with its know-howand experience in the fields of statistics, econometrics, banking, insurance, asset management or capital market analytics. Their aim is to ensure a high degree of quality concerning the usage of sources, the appliance of methods and the utilization of models from a scientific point of view.The scientific advisory boards consists of three members:
Prof. Dr. Elmar Helten
President of the Bayerisches Finanz Zentrum e.V. and emeritus professor at LMU Munich (Lehrstuhl Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Versicherungsbetriebslehre).Prof. Stefan Mittnik, Ph.D.
Chair of Financial Econometrics at LMU Munich and coordinator of the Center for Quantitative Risk Analysis at LMU Munich.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiler
Honorary professor at Hochschule Coburg, department of business and economics and president of the Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft (GDV); prior to that, eight years as speaker of the management board of HUK-Coburg.Network
Institut für Vorsorge und Finanzplanung
By dovetailing professional expertise and technical know-how, the Institut für Vorsorge und Finanzplanung (IVFP) helps as an independent partner. Consumers, intermediaries, insurance companies and banks benefit from transparent and simple offers. The IVFP is financially associated with
TU München / Fit for TUMorrow
The Technical University of Munich, especially the Chair of Financial Mathematics, is a scientific partner of ROKOCO. Through the Fit for TUMorrow program, we support TUM students and offer them a wide range of continuing education programs.How We Work and Learn:
Senior consultants with many years of experience in the field apply their knowledge alongside young, method-oriented graduates, culminating in state-of-the-art statistical, business management and mathematical procedures that can be put to practicable use.Network
Our networking with associations, professional bodies, universities and insurance companies guarantees a permanently up-to-date state of knowledge for effective and efficient know-how transfer.Qualification
Our employees are ensured focused qualification through internal further education involving regular exchange of knowledge within the team as well as individualized, external continuing education from professional and subject-specific institutions.Your career at ROKOCO
Students / Internships
We regularly offer internship opportunities or supervision of a bachelor’s or master’s thesis to motivated students (actuarial, mathematics, business informatics, quantitative economics and business …).Graduates: Business Informatics / Mathematicians / Economists
As an actuarial consulting firm that values the highest possible quality of its consulting services as well as durability in relations with customers and employees, ROKOCO promotes young talent on the path to becoming a certified actuary (German Actuarial Society) or a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA).Senior Consultants / Partner
Our doors are also open to high-level professionals with relevant professional and, if necessary, consulting experience in the insurance industry, provided the possibility of a future-oriented addition to our core competencies exists.Current job openings
Aktuar*in betriebliche Altersversorgung
Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir eine(n)Aktuar*in betriebliche Altersversorgung
Wir, die ROKOCO GmbH und die ROKOCO Predictive Analytics GmbH, sind ein Team von Aktuaren, Informatikern und Ökonomen mit Sitz in Grünwald bei München. Zu unseren Kunden zählen über 60 Versicherungsunternehmen im deutschsprachigen Raum.Dein Profil (m/w/d)
- Mehrjährige Berufserfahrung in der versicherungsmathematischen Bewertung von Pensions- und Personalverpflichtungen nach EStG, HGB und IFRS
- Praxiserfahrung in der programmtechnischen Abbildung von Pensionszusagen
- Zertifizierung oder Bereitschaft zur Weiterbildung als Aktuar (DAV) oder Versicherungsmathematischer Sachverständiger für Altersversorgung (IVS)
- Gute Kenntnisse im Arbeits-, Sozialversicherungs- und Steuerrecht der betrieblichen Altersversorgung
- Kommunikationsstärke, Teamfähigkeit, sicheres Auftreten, Eigeninitiative sowie unternehmerisches Denken
- Vollzeit oder gerne auch in Teilzeit
Deine Aufgaben
- Betreuung unserer Mandanten in allen aktuariellen Fragen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung ggf. in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten aus den Bereichen des Arbeits- und Steuerrechts
- Erstellung und Prüfung von versicherungsmathematischen Bilanzgutachten und Prognoserechnungen
- Durchführung von Prognoserechnungen für Einrichtungen der betrieblichen Altersversorgung und für Versorgungswerke (z.B. im Rahmen von ALM-Studien)
- Einrichtung von Neukunden in unserer Standardsoftware PLA.NET (z.B. Abbildung von Pensionszusagen oder Tarifwerken)
- Mitwirkung bei der Mandantenpflege und -akquise
Was ROKOCO Dir bietet
- Gute Work-Life-Balance mit geringer Reisetätigkeit
- Kollegiales Miteinander in einem dynamischen Team, in dem kreative Ideen gefördert werden
- Flache Hierarchien und kurze Entscheidungswege
- Betriebliche Krankenversicherung, betriebliche Altersversorgung und weitere Mitarbeiterbenefits
- Individuelle Gestaltungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten
- 30 Tage Urlaub
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