Interns / Trainees
PGC GmbH is a strategic consultancy with focus in the industrial segment. Main
task is the support of high level management in decision-making for innovation,
and investment.
Your Tasks
- Research of project relevant corporate, market and product data
- Evaluation and analysis of collected data
- Participation in the reporting process
- Direct client communication
Your Profile
- Language capabilities: English and Chinese is a must
- Nice to have: German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, French
- Ideally first experience with market research
- Ability to work independently
- Analytic and structured thinking
- Capability to familiarize with technical topics
- Basic understanding of financials
What we offer
- Exciting work in a strategic consultancy
- Diverse and sophisticated work on different projects
- Interaction with international clients
- Perspective to join PGC long term
- Competitive remuneration
Apply now
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Berufsbezogene Daten
Frühester Einsatztermin*Berufserfahrung
Sonstige Daten
Wie sind Sie auf uns aufmerksam geworden?Bewerbungsdokumente
Welches Dokument möchten Sie hochladen?Einverständniserklärung
Einverständniserklärung*Ich habe die
gelesen und stimme ihr zu.
Ich bin mit der EDV-mäßigen Erfassung und Verarbeitung meiner Daten einverstanden. Ich erkläre mich außerdem einverstanden, dass diese Daten - unter Berücksichtigung der gültigen Datenschutzbestimmungen - für die Besetzung von offenen Stellen verwendet werden. Ich akzeptiere, dass ich von Mitarbeitern telefonisch und/oder per E-Mail/SMS kontaktiert werden kann, um einen reibungslosen Ablauf des Bewerbungsprozesses zu gewährleisten. Ich versichere, alle Angaben wahrheitsgetreu angegeben zu haben. Ich bin mir bewusst, dass falsche Angaben auch nach einer eventuellen Anstellung zur Entlassung führen können.Impressum
PGC GmbHLurgiallee 6-8, 60439 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 9895 9308
Registergericht: HRB Frankfurt am Main
Geschäftsführer: Andreas Prokopf
Data privacy on this website1. In designing this Website, PGC GmbH ("PGC") has committed itself to compliance with laws and regulations governing the protection of personal data and data security. Hereinafter we would like to inform you about the conditions under which we collect your information, how we process it, and to which parties, if any, we transfer it.
Consent to the collection of data
2. Via our Website, we do not collect any personal data (e.g. name, address, phone number or email address), unless you provide these voluntarily (e.g. by placing an order, submitting an information request, participating in a survey, or submitting an application), or if this is permitted under the respective laws governing the protection of such data.
Purpose limitation
3. We will collect, process and use the personal data that has been provided by you online for the informed purposes only, unless the collection, processing and use of the data is effected
- for a purpose which is directly linked to the original purpose for which the personal data was collected,
- in response to a legal duty or a regulatory or adjudication order, or
- for the substantiation of, or protection against, a legal claim, or for defence against illegal activity.
3. Any visit to our Website will be logged. The logfile registers the current IP address of your computer, the websites selected, the browser used, the date and time, as well as your computer's operating system. This data will be collected for data security purposes only. We will not use such data for any other purpose.
Data storage
4. We will not store your personal data any longer than required to fulfil the intended purpose, or than required under law.
5. PGC endeavours to implement technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration or loss, unauthorised disclosure or access. Our employers are required to give an undertaking to maintain such confidentiality and secrecy.
6. If you provide us with your email address, we will communicate with you via email. We will not pass on your email address to any third parties outside the PGC network of firms. You may revoke your permission regarding the use of your email at any time, and this will take immediate effect for all future actions.
Links to other sites
7. In the case of links on our Website to external companies and other third parties, PGC shall not be held responsible for compliance with data protection requirements, or the content of such websites.
8. The PGC Website is not designed to be used by children aged 14 or younger. Personal data of children will not be knowingly collected or saved by PGC.
Updates of this Privacy Policy
9. Ongoing technical developments in the field of IT technology and the internet may require an adaptation of this Privacy Policy. We therefore reserve the right to adapt or amend the current Privacy Policy from time to time. The current version is dated November 14, 2014.
10. In the event of questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, you may direct these to Please also refer to this email address if you have any reservations regarding the Policy.
Data privacy on this website1. In designing this Website, PGC GmbH ("PGC") has committed itself to compliance with laws and regulations governing the protection of personal data and data security. Hereinafter we would like to inform you about the conditions under which we collect your information, how we process it, and to which parties, if any, we transfer it.
Consent to the collection of data
2. Via our Website, we do not collect any personal data (e.g. name, address, phone number or email address), unless you provide these voluntarily (e.g. by placing an order, submitting an information request, participating in a survey, or submitting an application), or if this is permitted under the respective laws governing the protection of such data.
Purpose limitation
3. We will collect, process and use the personal data that has been provided by you online for the informed purposes only, unless the collection, processing and use of the data is effected
- for a purpose which is directly linked to the original purpose for which the personal data was collected,
- in response to a legal duty or a regulatory or adjudication order, or
- for the substantiation of, or protection against, a legal claim, or for defence against illegal activity.
3. Any visit to our Website will be logged. The logfile registers the current IP address of your computer, the websites selected, the browser used, the date and time, as well as your computer's operating system. This data will be collected for data security purposes only. We will not use such data for any other purpose.
Data storage
4. We will not store your personal data any longer than required to fulfil the intended purpose, or than required under law.
5. PGC endeavours to implement technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, alteration or loss, unauthorised disclosure or access. Our employers are required to give an undertaking to maintain such confidentiality and secrecy.
6. If you provide us with your email address, we will communicate with you via email. We will not pass on your email address to any third parties outside the PGC network of firms. You may revoke your permission regarding the use of your email at any time, and this will take immediate effect for all future actions.
Links to other sites
7. In the case of links on our Website to external companies and other third parties, PGC shall not be held responsible for compliance with data protection requirements, or the content of such websites.
8. The PGC Website is not designed to be used by children aged 14 or younger. Personal data of children will not be knowingly collected or saved by PGC.
Updates of this Privacy Policy
9. Ongoing technical developments in the field of IT technology and the internet may require an adaptation of this Privacy Policy. We therefore reserve the right to adapt or amend the current Privacy Policy from time to time. The current version is dated November 14, 2014.
10. In the event of questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy, you may direct these to Please also refer to this email address if you have any reservations regarding the Policy.
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