Werkstudent Customer Service

Hapag-Lloyd - Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf - 05-03-2019 zur Vakanz  

{ "component": "JobSearch", "endpointUrl": "subscriptionUrl": "lang": "en", "channelId": "5636_extern_en", "i18n": { "keywordLabel" : "Keyword Search", "countryLabel" : "Country", "locationLabel" : "Location", "levelLabel" : "Level", "categoryLabel" : "Category", "subscribeBtn" : "Subscribe", "cancelBtn" : "Cancel", "clearAllBtn" : "Clear all", "chooseAllBtn" : "Choose all", "vacancyHeader" : "Vacancy", "locationHeader" : "Location", "languageHeader" : "Language", "updateHeader" : "Update of vacancy", "emailLabel" : "E-mail address", "tableHeader" : "Your search returned {0} positions.", "detailsHeader" : "Job Search Overview", "subscriptionHeader" : "Subscribe to selected job offers:", "subscriptionResponseRss" : "You can retrieve your personal RSS feed {0}here", "subscriptionResponseEmailSuccess" : "Please follow the instructions in your confirmation e-mail to activate your subscription.", "subscriptionResponseEmailExists" : "The subscription on selected categories already exists.", "subscriptionResponseEmailError" : "An error occured while creating the e-mail." } }

Did not find a suitable job?

Then please activate our job agent and get informed about our current vacancies according to your selection criteria. Please understand that we do not accept any unsolicited applications.

German Internship for Pupils?

We like to offer pupils the opportunity to finish a 2 to 3-week internship with us.
for it at least one year in advance and under the information of the desirable location.

zur Vakanz

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