PhD student
- Max-Born-Straße 2A, 12489 Berlin, Deutschland
- Without Professional Experience
- 6/13/22
PhD student (m/f/d)
The position is part of the Leibniz collaborative excellence project “RAEC: Raman induced attosecond electronic coherence”. The project is devoted to the investigation of coherent electron dynamics in isolated molecules induced by isolated attosecond XUV pulses.
Job profile:
We are looking for a PhD student to work on experimental studies of ultrafast coherent electron dynamics in isolated molecules using attosecond spectroscopy. The candidate will conduct attosecond UV transient absorption and XUV-pump/XUV-probe time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy experiments in isolated molecules. As a main goal for this project, we will establish impulsive Raman nonlinear spectroscopy in the XUV/X-ray domain, in order to follow charge flow in a molecule on its natural time scale and to visualize how photo-induced electronic dynamics couples to structural changes.The PhD student will support a postdoctoral researcher in the design, installation and characterization of the source providing intense isolated attosecond pulses. Following the completion of the source, the PhD student will investigate coherent electron dynamics in CF
I induced by impulsive Raman excitation at the iodine M-edge (~50 eV) by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy experiments using an attosecond XUV pulse pair.
The work will be done at the MBI which offers excellent working conditions and a state-of-the-art infrastructure in a highly dynamic and international environment at the forefront of research. The candidate will work on the development and optimization of a state-of-the-art source of ultrashort attosecond XUV pulses and use it to perform attosecond pump-probe experiments in various samples. This work will be done in collaboration with the group of John Travers from the Heriot-Watt University and the group of Vitali Averbukh from the Imperial college.
We are looking for a PhD student holding a Master Degree in physics or equivalent. The research program is at the frontier between many fields including femtosecond lasers, ultrafast and nonlinear optics, and photochemistry requiring highly motivated candidates with a strong background in one or more of these areas. This research has many interdisciplinary aspects that demand highly motivated candidates with strong analytical abilities, and someone who is able to think out of the box. Experience in ultrafast (vibrational/electronic) spectroscopy is another asset. Knowledge of the English language is essential.Offer:
The PhD position is available immediately and initially limited to 3 years. The payment is according to the German TVöD salary scheme for scientists in public research institutions (75%).MBI is an equal opportunity employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply. If equally qualified, severely handicapped persons are given preference.
MBI supports the reconcilability of family and working life and is certified as family-friendly by the "family audit".
Please use the button "Apply online" and upload your application with a motivation letter, detailed CV, transcripts of diplomas as well as two letters of reference electronically via the MBI online recruiting platform at
. The position is open until filled.
For further information and inquires please contact Dr. Rouzée, (
zur Vakanz
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