PhD positions at the Graduate Programme The Economic Impact of Digital Trans

Uni-jena - 07-08-2020 zur Vakanz  

Reg. Nr. 238/2020

Fristende: 30.09.2020

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena connects: People and ideas, science and business, universities and non-university research. Rooted in the heart of Germany and linked to the whole world, it shapes Jena's character as a future-oriented and cosmopolitan city.

The Graduate Programme "The Economic Impact of Digital Transformation" is an interdisciplinary PhD programme of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. The programme offers a comprehensive PhD-level training focusing on the effects of digital transformation on different stakeholders such as organizations, employees as well as its consequences for markets, regulations, and big data. The programme is international and highly committed to quality in teaching and research. The participating researchers work at various departments of the Friedrich Schiller University: Economics and Business Administration, Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Intercultural Communication and Economic Geography. Detailed information about the programme is available here:

We are now inviting applications for up to six positions as a doctoral student (start January 1th),

PhD positions at the Graduate Programme "The Economic Impact of Digital Transformation" (all genders)

The doctoral students will conduct research on the economic impact of digital transformation. Numerous interrelated research questions arise on the emergence and spread of digital transformation, on the effects on the various actors in the economic system and on the design of the regulatory framework.

Each doctoral student will conduct research in one of the five research areas of the programme:

  • Methods and Data
  • Law and Regulation
  • Organizations and Individuals
  • Markets and Regions
  • Competence Development and Education


  • An above average Master's degree, State examination (or equivalent) in a field relevant for contributing to one of the research areas. As this is an interdisciplinary programme, a wide range of backgrounds may fit.
  • Enthusiasm and willingness to do interdisciplinary work
  • Highly self-motivated, creative, and goal-oriented personality
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English

We offer

  • a doctoral position according to TV-L E13 (50%)
  • comprehensive doctoral training including courses, summer schools, and workshops
  • a vibrant research atmosphere with integration in the "Jena Schumpeter Centre for Socio-Economic Research" (JSEC) and the possibility to interact with researchers from various fields
  • a lively student city with many cultural opportunities
Severely handicapped people are given preference in case of equal professional qualifications and aptitude.
To be considered in the PhD programme, please submit your application including the following documents until September 30th 2020, mentioning the registration number 238/2020 to:

  • Application form including your priority concerning the research area
  • Motivation letter (Please describe your academic background and your motivation for participation in the programme. Based on this, please explain which research areas and possible dissertation topics would be of interest to you (please check the description of our research areas on our website).

Suggestions of own dissertation topics

are very welcome!
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Transcripts and certifications
  • Names of at least two referees
  • Any other relevant documents
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life.


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