To all English native speakers living in Germany in Schwerin
YoungCapital - 27-05-2020
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Do you need a summer job and like working with kids? LEOlingo language camps can offer you a summer job as a camp counselor in Hamburg, Schwerin and at the Baltic Sea in Northern Germany! The training week will go from June 12th to June 19th 2020.The LEOlingo summer camps will go from June 21st to July 31st 2020.
Das dauert nur zwei Minuten
30 - 40 Stunden pro Woche
Zwischen 200.00€ und 300.00€ pro Stunde
Was du machen wirst:
Here are the important dates:
We invite English, French and Spanish native speakers between 19 and 29 to teach children in the age of 7 to 15. While doing sports, games, arts & crafts, theatre and music the children get used to the foreign language in a playful way.Was wir bieten:
- junges Team
- angenehme Arbeitsathmosphäre
Was wir erwarten:
- Teamfähigkeit
- Mind. 18 Jahre alt
- Kommunikationsstärke
- 6 bis 12 Monate relevante Erfahrung
- Arbeit mit Kindern / Jugendlichen
- Eingeschriebene/r Student/in an einer staatlich anerkannten Hochschule
Bist du der ideale Kandidat (m/w/d) für diese Stelle? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und wir werden dich so schnell wie möglich kontaktieren.Extra Informationen
LEOlingo offers day and overnight language camps in Germany for German kids from ages 7 to 17. The counsellors must be native speakers or bilingual. The languages taught are English, French and Spanish. LEOlingo is a small family run company. We are two partners, Sabine Goerner in the north and Andrea Baer in the south of Germany. Our approach is to make the kids feel good in learning a language and comfortable through games and activities. We are not a language school, we organise holiday camps. Our weekly programme is made up of a variety of arts and crafts, language games, sports, singing, drama and small sketches. You will be trained to teach a language without terrifying kids with grammar or pure vocabulary, but by playing games with them, supporting their creativity and being a role model to them. But besides all the games and fun, the kids still show up to learn a language. For these camps we are looking for creative, dynamic, fun and energetic young people!The ideal LEOlingo applicant should:
- Be an English native speaker, a French/English or Spanish/English bilingual (grew up with both languages).
- Apply in time for a work permit or working holiday visa if (s)he is not an EU citizen. You will receive information on the visa application process when you are hired.
- Be experienced in working with kids aged 7 to 17.
- Be capable to take over responsibility for the safety of a whole group (about 12 kids).
- Be capable and willing to adapt to different countries, cultures, rules and habits, as well as to simple living conditions or living with host families.
- Be willing to teach children who only speak German in a patient, interesting and effective way, as well as older kids who wish to expand on their language skills.
- Be capable of teaching mixed age and mixed language level groups.
- Be prepared to work long days – generally 8 - 10 hours per day – and weeks (especially the training week!). Preparation before and after the actual work hours will be necessary as well as helping each other out.
- Be willing to take over responsibility for materials as well as for campsites (to return them in their original states).
- Have or obtain a valid first aid certificate and a police check (not older than 1 year).
- Be available for at least six weeks during the period from June 12th to July 31st 2020 for camp in Northern Germany.
- Applicants don’t need to speak German but it can be advantageous. Applicants with camp counselling or teaching experience will be preferred. College students and people with a valid work permit (or EU citizens) will also be preferred.
Your working conditions:
- You will be working at different sites in Hamburg, Schwerin or at the Baltic Sea for five to six weeks.
- You might be working alone at a campsite (although this is rare) or with other counsellors.
- It is likely that you will work at a variety of camps over the summer. You may stay at a campsite for 1-2 weeks or you may change camps every week.
- Camps take place in schools, Boy Scout areas, youth centres, cabins, youth hostels or even in castles.
- Generally, around 12 kids will be in one group.
- You will be living with German host families, in simple guesthouses or apartments, or at the campsite when you are responsible for an overnight camp.
- The participation in a one-week training is mandatory (8 days in a row, one week before the camps start. The work dates above include the training period) as well as a brush up training over a single weekend. For this training we cannot pay you but accommodation and food is provided.
- Day camps generally last from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, Overnight camps often start on Sunday, 5pm and run until Friday, 5pm.
- You may also be responsible for the evening programme at an overnight camp (although normally, there are separate day counsellors and night counsellors). This programme lasts about 3 hours each evening, along with keeping an eye on the kids overnight from 5 pm to 9 am the next day.
Our offers are:
- During the camp week: Free lodging, breakfast and lunch at day camps. Full board and lodging at overnight camps. At the weekends, if you do not choose to travel independently, you will also receive lodging and breakfast.
- Fair salary: Day camp: 220 Euro per week (programme times from 9am to 5pm, plus preparation beforehand and afterwards), bed, breakfast and lunch included. Overnight camp: 220 Euro per week for programme times from 9am to 5pm (plus preparation beforehand and afterwards), full board and lodging during the working week included. 120 Euro per week for evening counsellors (responsible from 5 pm to 9 am), full board and lodging during the working week included. Preparation before and after the actual work hours will be necessary, as well as travel times to the next campsite. At overnight camps, day and night counsellors might also help each other out if needed. Your presence at the campsite might be required after and before your work times.
travel independently or make your own plans, you will have to cover the costs yourselves.
- Transportation (organisation and cover) from one camp to another.
- Time to travel at some weekends or during a week off (if told early in advance). But you need to travel to the next campsite on some Sundays or even start a camp on Sunday already.
Abitur, Fachabitur, Hochschule/Universität
Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
30 - 40
Zwischen 200.00€ und 300.00€ pro Stunde
Verantwortlich für
Sprach-, Sportprogramm
Freizeit / Tourismus, Pädagogik / Nachhilfe
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Pädagogik Jobs
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| Ferienjob | Abitur | Fachabitur | Hochschule/Universität
Auf einen Blick
Schwerin30 - 40 Arbeitsstunden pro Woche
Zwischen 200.00€ und 300.00€ pro Stunde
Abitur, Fachabitur, Hochschule/Universität
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