RPA Developer

YoungCapital - Düsseldorf - 24-07-2019 zur Vakanz  

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RPA Developer (m/f/d): Robotic Process Automation
Making an impact that matters. Our ambition is to do things that count every day. Our wide range of business activities - from Audit & Assurance, Risk Advisory to Tax & Legal to Financial Advisory and Consulting - is a unique support for our customers. We set new standards, provide innovative approaches and facilities sustainable growth. We support our highly qualified and talented employees, so that they achieve more with us.

For our Tax Technology team in Düsseldorf we are looking for a Full time RPA Developer

How you will make an impact

  • Understanding business process and flow diagrams
  • Identifying tasks and use cases, which have automation potential
  • Designing and Developing prototypes for potential business cases by maintaining the best pactices
  • Estimating automation duration for each business cases
  • Building and testing RPA solution for your organization/department, based on provided requirements
  • Creating and Maintaining Solution Design Documents (SDD) and process flows throughout the project
  • Documenting implemented solutions
  • Supporting the team during design, development, test and roll out phase
  • Creating dashboards enabling performance monitoring

Your strengths

  • A University Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Business Informatics or equivalent discipline
  • Affinity towards Robotic Process Automation and personal interest in Atumation matters
  • Basic Programming skills and software development principles
  • Basic knowledge of RPA tools (UiPath/Automation Anywhere/Blue Prism) and development process
  • Experience in other coding practices such as .NET, VBA, Visio, Python and Microsoft Tools will be an advantage
  • Good communication skills in English and German, both written and spoken

What you can expect

In addition to a secure job as per contract, we offer you a promising intrernational working environment. On the job training, on Robotic Process Automation Metholodgy and Tool (UiPath). You will take on responsibility for small task packages, whereby your team colleagues will always be at your side with help and advice.

You are interested?

Please send your application to the Deloitte Recruiting-Team.
Deloitte is an inclusive employer dedicated to building a diverse workforce. We cann encourage applications from all qualified candidates. Please understand that we can only accept online applications via our recruiting management system due to the applicable General Data Protection Regulation. The inclusion of people with disabilities is our mutual understanding. We very much appreciate your application.

Our FAQs will help you with questions concerning applications at Deloitte. Additionally, our application tips will give you specific advice on how to apply successfully via our online portal:

What impact will you make?


Service Area:
Global Employer Service

Düsseldorf, DE

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Job ID:

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„Making an impact that matters“ – das ist der Anspruch der über 286.000 Mitarbeiter von Deloitte, einem der weltweit führenden Beratungs- und Prüfungsunternehmen in mehr als 150 Ländern. Unser Know-how in den Bereichen Audit & Assurance, Tax & Legal, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory und Consulting macht uns zum weltweit geschätzten Partner unterschiedlichster Unternehmen und Branchen. Die Projektvielfalt bietet enorme Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten in einem Umfeld, das von Kollegialität, Innovationen und Abwechslungsreichtum geprägt ist.

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Extra Informationen

Baugewerbe, IT / Software-Entwicklung / Programmierung
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