PhD student Positions - Nonlinear Optics

Uni-jena - 07-07-2020 zur Vakanz  

Reg. Nr. 163/2020

Fristende: 15.08.2020

The Friedrich Schiller University Jena connects people and ideas, science and economy, institutions of higher education and external research organizations. Being rooted in the heart of Germany and having worldwide bonds, it characterizes the city of Jena as a future-oriented and cosmopolitan location. At the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and within the Collaborative Research Center (SFB/CRC) 1375 "Nonlinear Optics down to atomic Scales"

PhD student Positions - Nonlinear Optics (m/f/o)
are available at earliest convenience.
The SFB/CRC 1375 NOA was chosen by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in a competitive scientific panel and solely based on excellence criteria. NOA investigates fundamental nonlinear optical processes in nanostructures and low-dimensional systems. In an interdisciplinary approach of physicists, chemists and material scientists, we theoretically and experimentally explore quantum phenomena of light-matter interaction such as light-induced tunneling of electrons through metallic nanogaps, higher harmonic generation and field-driven carrier acceleration in plasmonic nanostructures, atomic lattices and 2D-materials. We aim to design new subwavelength-scale materials with tailored nonlinearities at atomic precision, e.g. for optical switching, sensing and energy conversion.

Our requirements
We are looking for excellent Diploma or M.Sc. graduates with a strong background in physics and photonics being interested in at least one of the following topics:

electromagnetic modeling
density functional theory and modeling of light-driven quantum systems
experiments in nonlinear light-matter interaction
generation, characterization and investigation of optical nanostructures and 2D-materials
We offer
3-year positions in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (payscale TV-L E 13)
an exceptional scientific environment with optimum opportunities for enthusiastic researchers,
attractive staff benefits like contributions to the employee savings plan, season ticket loans for public transport, or pension scheme (VBL)
an exciting line of work with considerable leeway
a university scheme for promoting your health and well-being
a family-friendly working environment with flexible working options
Selected candidates (m/f/o) will work in one of our research groups in Jena and will be supported according to the highest supervision standards of the DFG. Further information on the scientific program, details of the open doctoral projects and the application procedure is available at

. For questions, please contact the NOA spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel (
Applications can be submitted at any time
as a single
PDF file, incl. required supporting documents (CV, references, certificates) providing the vacancy ID


15 August 2020

Barbara Kirchner

via e-mail:
or equivalently via our
In case of equal qualifications, applicants with disabilities will be favoured over the others.

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