Scientific Researcher

YoungCapital - Köln - 02-09-2020 zur Vakanz  

Arbeiten an der Uniklinik Köln heißt die Zukunft mitgestalten. Finden Sie jetzt die richtige Ausbildung und werden Sie ein Teil von uns.
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» Your tasks

Research on bioinformatics methods for processing and analyzing comprehensive genomic and clinical datasets (viral and bacterial infections)
Development, implementation and application of corresponding software
Support of porting the geno2pheno server from Saarbrücken to the University of Cologne and advancing the respective methods and software

» Your Profile

Master or PhD in bioinformatics/computational biology, biostatistics, computer science or a closely related field
Profound knowledge and experience with methods of statistics and statistical learning including their mathematical foundations
Profound knowledge and experience with programming languages and environments (e.g. R, Python, C++, Perl, Java, Javascript; Oracle, Webserver), to be documented via central contributions to larger programming projects (programming experience within curricular courses or practicals is not sufficient)

Proactive team player with excellent communication and writing skills

» Our Offer

A research environment that offers exciting and diverse opportunities
Flexible working hours
Perspectives for further scientific qualification
You will work in a highly interdisciplinary environment that is internationally excellently interconnected and provides opportunities for innovative research on patient-related and medically highly relevant topics. Collaboration with research groups in medicine, computational biology and computer science at Cologne University are existing or available. Your research will uniquely combine basic research on computational methods with medical applications. Perspectives for scientific advancement towards PhD or beyond are included in the profile of the position.

Application materials include letter of motivation, CV, documents and transcripts, publication list, research statement (detailed description of previous experiences in research and programming as well as sketch of research perspectives) and names of two references. We ask for supplying complete applications with all requested documents.

» Your future with us

As a modern maximum-care hospital with a capacity of approximately 1,540 beds, the University Hospital of Cologne is dedicated to the practice of innovative academic medical excellence and assumes important societal functions in the fields of research, education and health care. The University Hospital of Cologne provides treatment to over 340,000 patients annually, with 60,300 of them receiving inpatient care. With more than 10.700 employees from over 80 nations the University Hospital of Cologne is one of the largest employers in Cologne and ranks among the leading university clinics in Germany.

» Your future in detail

The Institute for Virology (Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Florian Klein) specializes in diagnostics and research pertaining to human pathogenic viruses. We apply a wide spectrum of molecular biological and bioinformatics techniques. Research topics include the identification and assessment of the development of viral resistance as well as research on new vaccination and therapeutic strategies. In collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrücken we have developed algorithms and implemented software that is used internationally and facilitates bioinformatics analyses of viral resistance for HIV as well as the hepatitis C and hepatitis B viruses. Together with , who directed the development of the server and who is currently affiliated with our Institute we are continuing our research on the respective methods and applications. Furthermore we are extending our research to bacterial infections and cancer.

you find more information on the Institute for Virology at the University of Cologne (in German).
Applications from female candidates are expressly welcome and will be given priority in the event of equal suitability, competence and professional performance.

People with disabilities are welcome to apply and will be treated preferentially in the event of equal suitability and qualification.
The position is suitable for staffing with part-time employees.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Lengauer
+49 221 478-85801
Application deadline: 27.09.2020

Postal address:

Universitätsklinikum Köln AöR
Geschäftsbereich Personal
Job-ID: 00001444
50937 Köln

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