Postdoc food web modelling in Protected Areas of the German North Sea

Alfred-Wegener - via Umantis - Sylt - 28-05-2020 zur Vakanz  

The Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) is a member of the Helmholtz Association (HGF) and funded by federal and state government. AWI focuses on polar and marine research in a variety of disciplines such as biology, oceanography, geology, geochemistry and geophysics thus allowing multidisciplinary approaches to scientific goals.

Postdoc " food web modelling in Protected Areas of the German North Sea" (m/f/d)


Embedded within a large-scale National project on Marine Protected Areas "MGF-Nordsee", we seek a communicative and ambitious scientist (m/f/d) with expertise in food webs, habitats and coastal ecosystems to carry out food web modelling and management tasks in the project. The work will focus on the investigation of sublittoral habitats in the North Sea subjected to a varying fishing pressure. It manifests a close cooperation with project partners and the sister project "MGF-Ostsee" in the Baltic Sea. The place of employment is

the Wadden Sea Station in List on Sylt


  • Development and analyses of food web models in the areas of investigation in the North Sea with the integration of existing data and data generated in the project.
  • Application of the models to describe the effect of different fishing intensities on food web scale to identify the sensitivity of food webs to increasing fisheries.
  • Identification of keystone species within the food web.
  • Communication to partners within the project "MGF-Nordsee" and exchange with partners from the sister project "MGF-Ostsee".
  • Organisation of project meetings and the composition of project reports.
  • Results of the project should be presented on national and international conferences and published in high-ranked journals.


  • PhD degree in biology, ecology or a related field.
  • Experience in the application of food web models (e.g. Ecological Network Analysis, Ecopath with Ecosim) is a necessity.
  • Experience in the handling of large data sets.
  • Ability to develop and successfully pursue interdisciplinary research.
  • Good communication and networking skills.
  • A strong publication background.
Due to the local focus and the direct contact to federal authorities, German language is appreciated.

Further Information

For further information please contact
Dr. Sabine Horn
, +49(471)4831-1883).
This is a full-time position, open to 1
July 2020 and limited to the 28
February 2023. It is also suitable for part-time employment. The salary will be paid in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Service of the Federation (Tarifvertrag des öffentlichen Dienstes, TVöD Bund), up to salary level

The place of employment will be

List (Sylt).

Postdocs can register with AWI’s postdoc office
, thereby gaining access to a set of tailor made career development tools.

The AWI is characterised by

  • our scientific success - excellent research.
  • collaboration and cooperation - intra-institute, national and international, interdisciplinary.
  • opportunities to develop – on the job, aiming at other positions and beyond AWI.
  • a culture of reconciling work and family – an audited and well-supported aspect of our operation
  • our outstanding research infrastructure – ships, stations, aircraft, laboratories and more.
  • an international environment – everyday contacts with people from all over the world.
  • having an influence – fundamental research with social and political relevance
  • flat hierarchies – facilitating freedom and responsibility
  • exciting science topics, with opportunities also in technology, administration and infrastructure
Equal opportunities are an integral part of our personnel policy. The AWI aims to increase the number of female employees and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply.

Disabled applicants will be given preference when equal qualifications are present.
The AWI fosters the compatibility of work and family in various ways and has received a number of awards as a result of this engagement.

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